
Tesla Promotion Won: More Aussteller at Messe für Nutzfahrzeuge in Hannover erwartet | 16.09.24

Tesla Promotion Won: More Aussteller at Messe für Nutzfahrzeuge in Hannover erwartet | 16.09.24

The business with cargo and transport companies in Germany is one of the best car businesses among the Kaufzurückhaltung Seiner Kunden. After you have made the high investments, the repairers can think of new technologies and alternative solutions.

Technological innovations, electric and water-based equipment are the organizers of the Association of the Automobile Industry (VDA) at the Messe der helder Schwerpunkt recruiting. The industry says that “the products for climate-neutral and digital mobility are available and productive,” says VDA President Hildegard Müller. “Now it is a challenge to bring the vehicles on the road in a speaking number as well.”

More exporters than two years ago

The VDA has announced more than 1650 Ausseller from 41 Ländern in the Lower Saxony Landeshauptstadt. Damit the Messe was bigger than last year with damal 1400 Ausstellern. After a press conference, Australian Foreign Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) and new Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) were officially given authority. I think Vizekanzler Robert Habeck (Grüne) is erwartet. Die Messe dauert bis Sonntag.

Among those entering are Daimler, MAN, Scania, Volkswagen, Renault, Volvo, Iveco, Ford, Kässbohrer or Schmitz Cargobull such as Bosch, Schaeffler, Continental and ZF. While the Chinese E-Auto-Bauer BYD is working with an electric double-decker bus, Tesla says an E-Sattelschlepper Semi-Truck.

VW presents new Transporter

See the VDA 145 World and Trade Premieres. Manufacturers of Daimler, MAN, Scania and Volvo present new electric and water-based vehicles Lkw, VW Commercial Vehicles says the new generation of VW Transporters. The Chinese Manufacturer Maxus enjoys a new Electric All-Wheel-Pick-up, from the World Premiere in Hannover in Hannover.

Before the Messehalle has a protest installation: the anti-globalization networks will demonstrate a climate-right transformation in the Güterverkehrssektor. Criticism is voiced on the “disproportionate transport costs” and the “profit maximization at the expense of people and nature”, which occurs in a certain situation.

Messe öffnet sich für Lastenräder and Paketdrohnen

The Nutzfahrzeugschau, which praised the VDA as the Weltleitmesse der Branche-sieht, took place in Hannover in 1992. Veranstaltet enters the labor market with the IAA Mobility für Pkw in Munich. The Leistungsschau for Lkw and Kleintransporter are intended for new transport forms with their parcel dryers and last-trader-geöffnet.

Laut dem VDA hat sich der Nutzfahrzeugmarkt will be deutlich abgekühlt. In August, less than 23,000 new utility vehicles were sold in Germany, 37 percent less than for a year. Roads of unsafe economic conditions stopped after an assessment of Experts and Unternehmen with the approval of the new Lastwagen zurück. First of all, it concerns a number of years in which a plus is added to the Prozent./fjo/DP/zb

Tesla stock is trading 0.61 percent higher at US$231.69 on the NASDAQ.

HANNOVER (awp international)