
Motorcycle professional Luca Salvadori loses life due to a tragic accident

With his videos he is a star on YouTube

Motorrad-Profi loses with a more tragic Unglück sein Leben

Luca Salvadori loses Leben at an Unfall signal. (Archive image)

Luca Salvadori loses his life at an Unfall signal (Archivbild).


The Motorsport-Welt has become a Luca Salvadori (32)!

The Italians love their motorcycles, post them on YouTube regularly. Videos show wet and enthusiastic fans. Auch beim 61. Frohburger Three Races in Saxony went Salvadori am Wochenende fuller Vorfreude at the Start – few später were there until.

Luca Salvadori has had a lot of regrets

Samstag started the race of the International Road Racing Championship in Frohburg. Salvadori nahm auf seiner Ducati part – und verunglückte gegen 16.30 Uhr beiem Unfall. The Motorsport Club Frohburger Dreieck reported on the tragic Unglück: “A Teilnehmer überschlug itself with the Motorcycle, and a subsequent Teilnehmer could no longer stay away and kam von der Strecke ab. The so-called re-beigeeilten Rettungskräfte and der Notarzt provided the two Motorradrennfahrer unmittelbar vor Ort.”

The following is in this statement: “Dennoch verstarb der italienische Sportsfreund #23 Luca Maurizio Salvadori späten Samstagabend in Krankenhaus and the Folgen des Unfalls.”

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Luca Salvadori loved motorsport (Archivbild).

Luca Salvadori loved motorsport (Archivbild).


Trotz des so grauenvollen Todesfalls entschieden sich die Ausrichter, de Veranstaltung am Sonntag fortzusetzen. “In one of the most recent thoughts, the thoughts of the disturbed can be influenced with a minute of thought. The sequel to the Veranstaltung am Sonntag wurde the Motorsportlern freigestellt“, writes the MSC Frohburger Three more.

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