
Migration: Border control in Dänemark started

Migration: Border control in Dänemark started

The controls and the German border are English. Federal police check the shape with more Streifenwagen at Ellhöft in North Friesland on the Schleswig-Holstein page Traveling from the direction Denmark. Bisher had no control over a Speaker of the Bundespolizei-Inspectorate Flensburg.

Bereits in the night the Beamten für three Stunden am Grenzübergang Ellund/Frøslev in Zuge der A7. If you notice a problem, bean settings are no longer necessary. It may also be that neither you nor others follow Grenzübergängen in the Laufe des Tages stichprobenartige Kontrollen.

For Pendlerinnen and Pendler so who traveled sollen who find a way that is so light that he has fallen, who casts the concrete block. There are no permanent contacts at the Europameisterschaft in the summer, when these are no longer suitable. It is not possible to solve zelte or other problems, as a rule the Streifenwagen was checked again.

Sütterlin-Waack: time for more information about the changes

Schleswig-Holstein Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack (CDU) has called in the German press agent, while the Interior Ministry is making Border Control a more targeted Schritt, an inner certainty that is sharp and irregular Migration eenzudämmen. Border controls can be part of one of the possibilities that exist, while the Schwerpunktroutes provide for the irregular migration. It is a waste if you start to perform the control, while the control roles are no longer suitable for solving problems.

Criticism from the border area

In the border region the controls are no longer positive. Among other things, the SSW is conducting border controls. With a map, the part of the domestic minority of the Land Government is guaranteed, so that the internal border controls are carried out in the German Borderland.

The Speaker of the SPD Faction for the German-Dänische Zusammenarbeit, Birte Pauls, meint, Grenzkontstromen and dieser Stelle seien überflüssig and brought more Damages as Nutzen. “Die Zahlen says that the hinterland controls the functions of the hinterland.”

The danish Behörden rights for everything at Grenzübergang Ellund/Frøslev with Verzögerungen and Staus. If you do not find any construction work in November, it is now possible to have a truck available. The police have Pendlern und Reisenden vorab dazu, zuätzliche Zeit einzuplanen und gegebenenenfalls einen ergengang nach Deutschland zu wählen.

Traveling, if you wish to travel more often with Pendlerinnen and Pendler in the region, you will be able to check them later. Now it can be on the road and from the Arbeit that a control role is used twice, once by a German control and once by a dänische.

The sister controls and the German Außenborders will solve each other later. This applies to the borders of France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. At the borders in Österreich, Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, only the Kontrolls are clean. One of France’s borders will be in control.

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