
«Sie since da» – Panda Babies in the Berlin Zoo

«Sie since da» – Panda Babies in the Berlin Zoo

It is small, taut, blind and quickly nackt – and quickly entzückend. A Panda Nachwuchs hat has appeared at the Berlin Zoo.

It is true that the Great is a small meerschweinchen and so much more – the Panda Nachwuchs in the Berliner Zoo. On Donnerstag at 1:03 PM and 2:19 PM, Panda-Dame Meng Meng had both their babies born, part of the Berliner Zoo. “Both Jungtiere is busy and was mumbled by my mother and the Panda Team went an Uhr liebevoll-versorgt”. Now heiße is: Daumen drücken for the first critical days.

The young animals weigh 169 grams and 136 grams and are about 14 centimetres long. It is not that, taub, blind and pink – the black and white Fellzeichnung begins to splash first.

“I am very happy, because both of us have been happy with the world since,” said zoo and zoo and zoo park director Dr. Andreas Knieriem during the press conference. “The little ones make a coin in Eindruck and Mutter Meng said everything, it was Wort “Bärenliebe” bedeutet – he kümmert sich rührend um ihren Nachwuchs.”

Wild Animal Endokrinologist Jella Wauters from the Department of Reproductive Biology at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research visited the accompanying birth completed on August 18th with her mobile laboratories in her Zoo quarter. It may be that there are more problems with giant pandas and that they all pass the hormonal analyses and urine tests. Dadurch said that the time of birth had its best time, in the zoo. “Frau Wauters has a right to the birth term”, Knieriem shared. Even if it takes longer, it is a fact that the hormone analyses are going in this direction.

Two Colleagues from the Chinese Chengdu Panda Base is the zoo at the Care of the young animals on this page. The Colleagues are at etwa 20 Births in the Year many more Experience, so the Zoo. Together with the team of the zoos they make sure that they both use the incubator and the temperature of the baby, they are messenger and who they are – “who man is of a baby station in a Berlin hospital”. The incubator is an edition of the DRK clinic.

Meng Meng war is on 26 March can be summed up. On 11 August two heartbeats were then recorded by ultrasonic sound – and only eleven days apart the young animals came to the world. The tragedy involved Zoo 149 days. The first time was mixed and the smaller in the research of the Pandastalls verbs, it is one of the first things that the zoo can not see. Panda Father Jiao Qing is, who is in nature, not one of the sighs involved, when he looks in Panda Garden.

Pandas naturally get wet in half the cases of swelling, and now see a baby on. In the zoo Meng Meng becomes each other, both aufzuziehen. The milk of panda bears is extremely energy-rich, after the birth a panda baby is one of the fastest that are heated at all.

2019 would have gotten the eleven-year-old Meng Meng a few times. Pit and Paule were favorites of zoo visitors, went to the end of the years of passages to China. If people live on the small Pandas of the People’s Republic, those in the current Panda diplomas will now be an extensive Länder-verleht.

After the zoos, 2,000 giant pandas have been released into the natural habitat. If you are a youngster, this is an important step towards the zoo.