
EQS News: Gerresheimer: EcoVadis Gold with words from Punktzahl | 16.09.24

EQS News: Gerresheimer: EcoVadis Gold with words from Punktzahl | 16.09.24

EQS news: Gerresheimer AG / Schlagwort(e): ESG

Gerresheimer: EcoVadis Gold with the words Punktzahl

16.09.2024 / 13:00 CET/CEST
Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

Gerresheimer: EcoVadis Gold with the words Punktzahl

  • Gerresheimer among the Top 3% all available Unternehmen
  • Gesamtergebnis op 76/100 Punkten gestigert
  • Performing an audit may be the next strategy

Düsseldorf, September 16, 2024. Gerresheimer, innovative System and Solution provider and global Partner for Pharma, Biotechnology– and a cosmetics industry, is certified by the Nachhaltigkeits-Ratinganbieter EcoVadis with Gold. EcoVadis supports the management system of companies in the categories Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Future Beschaffung. More than 130,000 Unternehmen-weltweitlassen in the Nachhaltigkeitsleistung of EcoVadis-überprüfen. Gerresheimer konnte ich 2024 erneut among the Top 3% of EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen and among the Top 1% of the Industry. The Bewertungsergebnis increased to 76 of 100 Punkten (2023: 74 of 100 Punkten). With the rating experience unterstreicht Gerresheimer de Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung seiner Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie. Nachhaltigkeit is more integral to Gerresheimer Component of the external strategy formula g.

“Our approach to sustainability is high, our souls are eternal,” explains Dietmar Siemssen, CEO of Gerresheimer AG. “Creating an external connection with the EcoVadis investments in the Reifegrad management systems, with the following consequences for our external anchoring. EcoVadis Gold is for an automatic and pornographic solution, which continuously delivers more results.”

Gerresheimer among the Top 3% of the industry

Since 2011 Gerresheimer EcoVadis, a sustainable management management in the four different dimensions of an unreliable set to the welding. In 2022 Gerresheimer achieved with 68 of 100 years the first time the Gold-Status. From 2024 the company could now climb the point value to 76 of 100 points. Gerresheimer has not used the best 3% of EcoVadis which falls under the best 1% of the industry.

View the catalog and detailed monitoring

EcoVadis’ most popular Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) catalog is based on international standards such as UN Global Compact, the Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Standard ISO 26000, the CERES Guidelines and the UN Principles for Economic and Human Rights. The EcoVadis assessment provides an honest palette and information about the world of the world, the professional and human rights, the ethical and the nachhalde description of the industry-specific interests. Darüber sees EcoVadis in Rahmen Seines 360° Monitorings a Vielzahl öffentlich zugänglicher Informationen wie Nachrichten, Berichte von NGOs, Regierungsveröffentlichungen or Gerichtsurteile in seine Bewertung with a.

Transparent and an unedited external view

Gerresheimer hat den Anspruch, transparent, fundamental and vergleichbar nach Best-Practice-Standards über Ziele, Maßnahmen and Ergebnisse seiner Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten zu informierieren.

Gerresheimer publishes a final report and provides relevant data on the EcoVadis platform and the display of the CDP ratings. Think of MSCI, Sustainalytics and ISS that support the aftercare of the companies. An overview of the external external controls of Gerresheimer is here.

About Gerresheimer
Gerresheimer is the innovative system and solution provider of the global partner for the pharmaceutical, biotech and cosmetics industries. The company offers a diverse portfolio of drug containment solutions, drug delivery systems and medical products that provide solutions for the healthcare industry. The performance spectrum includes digital therapies, medication pumps, sprays, pens, auto-injection towers and inhalers, such as injection bottles, ampoules, tablet holders, infusions, syrup and syrup bottles. Gerresheimer has ensured that medication is patient-dependent and that treatment can actually be carried out. With 35 production facilities in 16 states in Europe, America and Asia, Gerresheimer is present worldwide and produces for the regional markets. With around 12,000 employees, the company will achieve an increase of around 2 billion by 2023. Euro. The Gerresheimer AG is listed in MDAX on the Frankfurter Wertpaperbörse (ISIN: DE000A0LD6E6).

Contact Gerresheimer AG

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