
Deutsche Bahn: Brings DB-Schenker-Verkauf Job- & Kundenverluste?

Deutsche Bahn: Brings DB-Schenker-Verkauf Job- & Kundenverluste?

Deutsche Bahn: Brings DB-Schenker-Verkauf Job- & Kundenverluste?

Deutsche Bahn will sell its logistics trailer DB Schenker. Trainee sorts the plan for criticism.
photo alliance/dpa/Christian Charisius

The Deutsche Bahn factory with the logistics service provider DB Schenker earned more than 15 billion euros.

However, great knowledge can be obtained from the media report, after which the purchase of the services and benefits will not be delayed until further notice.

The Gewerkschaft Verdi promotes the message that a CVC has written, an Arbeitsplätze for schützen.

It is the table of Deutsche Bahn – and this company is being sold: the profitable logistics service provider DB Schenker. Last month, the group’s top of the highly indebted government debts is selling. Interesting for the sale, which has earned an amount of 15 million euros, is one of the other equity funds CVC and the German logistics organization DSV. In the transitions we have made, the first steps have been taken at Deutsche Bahn.

If the “Spiegel” contains a message from Insider messages, this gives internal criticism and broader position to DB Schenker’s statement. A journey from the Großkunden hätte of the Deutschen Bahn signalisation, your Verträge with DB Schenker nicht zu verlängern, sollte that the Tochterunternehmen were purchased. Customer service is a service that enhances a product.

Auf Anfrage dazu teilte de Deutsche Bahn dem “Spiegel” met: “Unsere Kunden sätzen de herausragende Service-Exzellenz von DB Schenker, die vol unhängig of einem möglichen neuen Eigendom in der Zukunft.”

Criticism of another Schenker sale also comes from the industrial groups. The ‘Spiegel’ report contains an internal paper of the industrial group, which provides for a sale and CVC pladiere. It says: “The drowning work place at a DSV takeover is immense. If CVC does not concern a logistics company, this cannot be a problem for the work place desires to be considered.” In a CVC application at 5300 work places, a sale and a DVS application were submitted.
