
Musk and Trump: So we became the richest man in the world of Trump-Diener

Musk and Trump: So we became the richest man in the world of Trump-Diener

Elon Musk
From Visionary to Trump Servant: Elon Musk’s Political Struggle

Elon Musk and Donald Turmp 2020 in Florida

Elon Musk and Donald Turmp 2020 in Florida

© | White House / Picture Alliance

Elon Musk waged a war against Tech-Vision and Demokrat. Nunstützt is Donald Trump and uses his platform X for propaganda. The history of Musks Posts says it is radical

Wohl kaum etwas beschreibt een menschen zo sehr wie seine eigenen Worte. Wer also the original Entwicklung des reichsten Manns der Welt verstehen will, if not more his Freunde, Weggefährten and Kritiker fragments. There was a sollte sich anschauen, there was in the Verleidingenheit itself seen that.

With Elon Musk it is a fact and more flashy than most people: Etwa 76,000 Mal has the Tesla founder posted on Twitter since 2019, beziehungsweise X. The “Wall Street Journal” has a lot of power and all tweets used by the technology are checked on the AI ​​program ChatGPT. The ergebnis is the oldest profile of a man, if it is so that it is a good idea to sweat a figure. Musk has become an unpolitical E-Car pioneer of the political junkie. From Democrats to Republicans. From geeky pre-entrepreneur to radical Trump youth.

In February 2019, Musk wrote on Twitter: “I am an official. Da, ich hab’s gesagt.“ On July 13, 2024, after the Attentatsversuch auf Trump, postetete there: „I unterstütze President Trump completely.“ Both lie for a long time – and a journey for one another. End of the political spectrums. Musk finds himself radical in his own time in an open metamorphosis. Inzwischen pumps money into Trump’s Wahlkampf and leaves as a willfähriger Mediapartner Millionen Follower zu Fußen. If you no longer venture outside the inner world, your own financial interests may arise.

Musk’s political challenges have a lot of influence

Before Musk did his tweets to use his own companies Tesla and SpaceX and take a risk and do some white stuff. In the meantime, more political messages are off. Since 2019, the number of his political interventions has increased by more than two hundred. If you are soaked in Musk’s Tweets on a car or the world of dreams for a year in July, think of Musk in July of this year in the 60th century with politics, in the media, after the aim or cultural themes. I posted a message on 61 Mal täglich. For fun years there were new Tweets pro Tag. Printed very am all my chats in a book, this is twice as long as the Bible.

First indication for the Drift to the right is the pandemic of the pandemic. When Musk is on Twitter with investors, criticism is voiced about child policy and falsified information about the American stock exchange SEC a million penalty for market manipulation. 2020 is more than an Art Corona-Chefrebell. The Lockdown is ‘fascist’ and ignores all measures of the Californian government, which are implemented by the work.

Although Musk started his political career, he started Twitter and the X-style display of the platform in October 2023. You can also see that Musk does not dare anymore, the right is free to enjoy everything you can do. There are many channels that can use their own channel and use an unfiltered filter.

It is stupid that Musks has established himself in social media media with the rachefeldzug that is a few mad. Of the Biden-Regierung it is so that it is in the Monaten to put an end to the frequency. The American presidents are a “sockenpuppe” of the company, which is now a car repairer with the construction of an E-Auto-Gipfel in the white house. Tesla is not available.

Political Kurswechsel von Musk is personally motivated

In May 2022, the month before the Twitter victory, Musk could use the Democrats and the friendship: “In the past I wanted the Democrats, because they were the party of human love,” Musk said on Twitter. Money and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were spent and both were wanted. “We did not challenge the Democrats, and while Tesla and SpaceX had the quiet debt burden, in November it was the Republicans.”

In view of Musk’s right-wing politics, there is no longer any question of personal and economic interests. This is a problem with solving personal problems. The most important war is clearly the conflict resolution of his followers. In 2022, Musk’s name will have disappeared and he will praise the guidelines with his “biological father no longer related to his form”. Musk has been like a miracle, “cold, heartless and narcissistic” and it has been a kind of with his strange identity gehusselt and démütigt.

The war for Musk and his central motivation is a stronger political rule of law. “I have actually lost my son,” says Musk. There are many things that are pushing the paper for the demolition process out. Now his child is “struck”, “affected by a woken up dog virus”.

If Musk is no longer struggling with the vermaintliche Gender-Wahn, the English dichotomy of white and illegal may be illegal. Inzwischen use is a platform offered for skewed discussions about his political opponents: From February, it is likely that Homeland Protection Minister Alejandro Mayorkas will be subject to an administrative reform. If Trump meets a Tesla boss, he will sit in the Cabinet hole. That would complete Musk’s transformation.

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