
MT Group unterzeichnet Vertrag mit Ørsted über den Bau a major engellegten CO2-Abscheidungs- und Speicheranlage in Denmark

MT Group unterzeichnet Vertrag mit Ørsted über den Bau a major engellegten CO2-Abscheidungs- und Speicheranlage in Denmark

Mindaugas Zakaras, CEO of MT Group (Photo: Business Wire)

Mindaugas Zakaras, CEO of MT Group (Photo: Business Wire)

“The recognition of these agreements is a significant milestone for the MT Group and a stronger proof of our commitment, the mountain of new energies throughout Europe will help us,” says Mindaugas Zakaras, CEO of MT Group.

Global protection against climate change problems

Dieser Vertrag is part of the 20-year-Vertrags Swiss Ørsted and der Danish Energieagentur (DEA) for the ehrgeizige project voor Abscheidung und Speicherung von Kohlendioxid (CCS), der Ørsted Kalundborg CO2 Center”. Ziel ist es, jährlich 430 000 Tonnes CO2 from both Ørsted-Kraftwerken abzuscheiden and zu speichern. Das abgeschiedene CO2 Wird zur geological research after Northern Lights in Norway transports and thus transports to the world well-being for the management of climate hikes.

I am the Association with the MT Group that is responsible for the planning and construction of the pipework for the BoP-Anlage zur CO2 -Abscheidung und -Speicherung einschließlich der Installation der BoP-Anlage übernehmen. If you want to carry out the final planning of BoP anlage and the integration into the best holzschnitzelbefeuerte Kesselanlage and the new CO2-Abscheidungs- und -Speicheranlage in Asnæsværket, Denmark.

The MT Group offers the Design, Delivery, Construction and Installation of Kühl- und Dampfsystems, einschließlich der Rohrleitungen, bis zur Schnittstelle der CO2-Absorption and Speichereinheiten beaufsichtigen. If you want the Unternehmen sicherstellen, the Lieferumfang strengthened Tests and Inbetriebnahmen unterzogen wird, all the behördlichen and betrieblichen Standards will inherit, before the Anlage fully in the Betrieb general world.

Stärkung des Portfolios und erneuerbaren Energien der MT Group

The Auftrag is going into the Einklang with the strategic guidance of the MT Group on the Energiewende. “The MT Group has developed a strong and comprehensive EPC expansion package, specialized in the development complex Erdgas and LNG projects throughout Europe. The latter is a significant step in the expansion of the green energy market and a strong position in the short time that is achieved,” said Mindaugas Zakaras.

The MT Group is a manufacturer of EPC suppliers for major energy and industrial infrastructure projects throughout Europe. The company is an excellent foundation partner of one of the largest companies for new energies. The Green Energy Park offers cost-efficient green water production in gigawatt mass production and decarbonization in the energy and power generation sector in Europe and other parts of the world.

The MT Group’s know-how has been developed in the field of development and construction of analyses for energy, water and dust separation, where the world plays a forward role in the implementation of technical problems.

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