
No longer an expert at ZDF: Christoph Kramer started a new job with “Kindheitstraum”

No longer an expert at ZDF: Christoph Kramer started a new job with “Kindheitstraum”

No more than an expert at ZDF
Christoph Kramer started new Job with “Kindheitstraum”

A new venture that Christoph Kramer has kept up to date with Borussia Mönchengladbach has never received any money – that’s another article. As a service, the 33-year-old who sits in the kitchen, always with the microphone in hand.

Former nationalist Christoph Kramer comes as a TV expert in the Champions League to Einsatz. The 33-year-old starts in that period that the Saison starts with Team von Rechteinhaber Prime Video. The premiere for the streaming service is the frühere Bundesliga-Profi at the party of the VfB Stuttgart at Real Madrid and the page of Matthias Sammer. Prime Video looks at the new season participation, jewels are a service day. All others are favored at DAZN zu sehen.

“I would like the team of Prime Video experts to do this,” said Kramer, who would make war on Borussia Mönchengladbach for the season. In the King’s Stadium, the stadium of Santiago Bernabéu, has not been, however, entspeakend erfülle ein “absolute childhood dream”, so Kramer, as a TV expert for ZDF in Einsatz ist and for the sender of the Champions League final in the analysis of June. Because a welchem ​​​​Klub is an active career, it is insulting.

Make sure that Kramer and Per Mertesacker extend their engagements to ZDF until the summer of 2026. The 2014 World Champion met in both the battle and the matches of the National Team, at the DFB Cup matches and the Champions League Final. Kramer stood for the first time during the 2018 World Cup in ZDF as an expert for the chamber. Mertesacker has been for the Mainzer Sender-tätig since September 2020, for FC Arsenal the time of the Nachwuchsakademie is. Eventually the duo had stood together in front of the camera at the home team in Germany.