
The Haibach Nature Conservation Group has celebrated its four-year anniversary

The Haibach Nature Conservation Group has celebrated its four-year anniversary

HAIL. Since 1984, the Mitglieder der Naturschutzgruppe Haibach has begun to protect the secret nature. The anniversary year can be one of the following frost projects.

In the first years, the Heimatgemeinde stands in the Mittelpunkt of the Naturschutzgruppe Haibach. Please note that the common borders are exceeded. There are a few years ago that the group with nature conservation from Lower Bavaria and the District Group Schärding of the Upper Austrian nature conservation associations worked together, a netz-intakter of nature that deals with the shutdown of the equipment. “In some cases of the Upper Donautales and their Seitentäler, in Eferdinger Becken the edge of the city in Linz could have realized an unpleasant project: the Arbeitsfeld-reicht vom Schutz wertvoller Waldgebiet des Donautales über die Erhaltung and Mitgestaltung der Kulturlandschaft bis zu Hilfsmaßnahmen for bedrohte Tier- und Pflanzenarten“, ärt Obmann Franz Exenschläger.

Cultural landscape received

The Naturschutzgruppe Haibach has more than 200 farmers from the region around 650 hectares of meadow areas in a nature-protective community. The nature conservation companies have a high level of obstbäume and heckensträucher, the most important management organization of meadow and field areas, a variety of nature conservation organizations that reach there, and advise farmers who are nature conservation advocates for extensive meadow management. In another project, one of the protection measures for the natural jewel “Hartkirchner Moos” is formed by the Group, which is setzt with more ground properties and the Hartkirchner Grünen.

Animal protection

Auch for the Artenschutz setzt ich the Nature Conservation Group Haibach with various Projects one: the Anlage von round 300 Tümpeln and Teichen, the Revitalization of verlandeter Altarme in Aubereichen zur Erhaltung seltener Amphibienarten, Schutzmaßnahmen and Straßenabschnitten in St. Agatha and Wilhering, an amphibian for them Superfahren zu safeguard, the protection project Steinkauz in Eferdinger Becken, Hilfe for large birds, the long-term project “Rebhuhn” with entreprechender Lebensraumgestaltung, der Pacht a two hectare large areas with Biberrevier, a protection project for amphibian-sees “Nahrungsteichen” for verschiedene Lebewesen and dem langfristigen Erwerb der Fischereirechte at Bachsystemen in Haibach with Schutzmaßnahmen for more Arten.

Lebensraum forest

Auf Initiative der Naturschutzgruppe Haibach has established more nature reserves and nature conservation areas in the Danube and Aschach Valley. From 2004 to 2009, I was active in the Landesregierung with the Cross-Border LIFE Project “Hang- en Schluchtwald in Upper Donautal” of Bavaria. Either since insgesamt beef 1,400 Hektar Waldflächen in Donautal and in seinen Seitentälern langfristig geschützt.