
Der schwierige Abschied für Joe Biden – Ausland

Der schwierige Abschied für Joe Biden – Ausland

After playing his own part with the Wahlkampf blessing, Joe Biden is taking part in his presidential job. It wasn’t easy to go.

US President Joe Biden held up the arm of Democratic US President Kamala Harris, who took office on the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin (dpa)

Joe Biden still put Ashley in the red party and offered more security in his arms. Dann wanted the American president to reach the Augen and the Rednerpult with a taschentuch. By the end of the 81st anniversary of this year, I would like to celebrate the completion of the meeting in Saal. “Danke, Joe”, they shouted in Sprechchören during the Party Day of Democrats in Chicago. And später: “Wir lieben Joe.”

It is a war that this party plays, while the frontman alternates paths and mentally fitness with back training with the Wahlkampf exercise. A prominent democrats, who has formed the front of the Bidens Ausstieg-kämpften, now sits on the Saal and the Feiern Biden as one of the greatest men, in the interest of the parties, on the free Stücken Platz, who has made power for the next generation. This is true, it was a abgespelt hat. If Biden refuses to stay long, sich de Druck seiner Partei zu beugen. The Gerangel is an Abgang that has a raw scale.

If you look at the party at your meeting in Chicago, the new presidential candidate Kamala Harris is gewidmet ist, übertünchen. Biden is one of the best people who has his own art and a thankless role. It is gilded for the Wahlkampf – and for his job at the White House.

Die (Nicht-)Rolle im Wahlkampf

Aim for a bigger flight while you are taking part in a long break and flee Chicago to California. The word is the rest of the week or the termine. That Biden is completely retired parallel to the rest of the party day, says Bände. The democrat came out of the elections in July and is with Harris a Wahlkampfkundgebung-induced. Excessive power is very rare.

If the end of the market is reached, it is so that it may be possible to cash in the Monate, the backbone will continue – the strategy of the democrats is worth stopping. And if the Risiko is even more Patzer, Harris will suffer damage in the Wahlkampf. In Chicago, the Biden-wanderer became the best volunteer Wahlkampfhelfer, the Harris and his Vize Tim Walz were the best. A role of Rolle Bidens in his Wahlkampf is no longer absent.

For Harris, the Bilanz der Gemeinsamen Regierungszeit and manchen Stellen examined – and at Theme Migration. If you take the time to find Bidens Schatten in your new role as Number, you should do so. If you want more, then it’s Wahlkampf and stick to your chef. After the confrontation between the parties that are the Bidens Ausstieg, the Democrats are at work, new demonstrations. It seems that it is at Bidens Auftritt in Chicago, what Harris prepared herself for: as tough, hereditary, as a woman of character and integrity.

The role as president

Biden is not until January’s president. But there is now that, was an American as a “lame duck” – even if you are at the end of the day, and there is a dramatic loss of power and energy. “I don’t have fun with Monate in my presidency,” Biden said in Chicago. “I have a menge zu tun.” Under the insight everything is not yet ready.

This is not the case. The light of the slopes radiates all Harris and the Wahlkampf. The democrats in congress are all very civilized, their own seat in parliament at the Wahl is sensible. An international partner who deals with one of the American registrations who live together, can not take a bigger initiative with the separation of Amtsinhaber plans.

The gold is no longer with Blick on Harris, but with Blick on the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, while the more international government leaders have become princely.

If you try to change things, in the verbal form of political power, there will be abuse of power. There was a message in the White House first – as the American president of all time. We have the power over the Tatsache, it is a war that is so poignant, Dorthin zu kommen, das Loslassen schwerer.