
Klimaschutz en Reisen: Mehrheit versus Verzicht

Klimaschutz en Reisen: Mehrheit versus Verzicht

Knapp ein Drittel der Deutschen says that the climate protection groups have an overview of the journey with high CO2 emissions. Insgesamt 30 Prozent all befragten Personen dies in een Omfrage des Instituts Civey und vom Betreiber von E-Autoladestationsen Ionity in Auftrag gegeben wurde.

The value of 60 percent is not that it has a backlash on the ecological fluid abduction of the control system or the creditworthiness of the company. Zehn Prozent was unentschlossen.

Befragt in the Northern German Bundesländern Lower Saxony, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, which had to deal with a bit of a Drittel in the Großstädten, was more climate-conscious than the Durchschnitt. “The major impact on the environment should not affect the travel experience of the climate protection system”, stated the importance of the safe transport stations, hinting at the German and international automotive stehen.