
EVONIK invests Milliardenbetrag zwecks Umsatzsteigerung – EVONIK-Aktie with Zuwächsen | 17.09.24

EVONIK invests Milliardenbetrag zwecks Umsatzsteigerung – EVONIK-Aktie with Zuwächsen | 17.09.24

It is a larger part of the Research and Development activities in the new Wachstumskernen that are bundled, such as the Special Chemistry Konzern with a Research Press Conference. Wachstumfabriek EVONIK in de Bereichen biobasierte Lösungen, Energiewende und Kreislaufwirtschaft. It is a biotenside (Rhamnolipid), which in most cases offers the best industrial activity in the Slovak world.

In Österreich, EVONIK membrane offers its services with the use of biomethane and other gas cleaning welds. Another article was launched by the stellvertretenden of Konzern CEO Harald Schwager. Forged with another membrane, and the Herstellung von Wasserstoff. Überdies will show EVONIK the way in a zirkuläre Wirtschaft ebnen. Bespiele dafür sind Catalyst-Recycling or Lossungen, the Recycling of Polyurethane or Gummi is processed.

Das Setzen auf Innovationen als Wachstumstreiber is not new: 2015 could introduce EVONIK in the future. 1 billion euros are spent in their lifetimes with subsequent care for health, cosmetics and recovery from additives. 2023 would yield an amount of more than 650 million euros.
