
Enjoy a meal at Friedhof in Ludwigshafen

Enjoy a meal at Friedhof in Ludwigshafen

Die Stadt Ludwigshafen will be able to enjoy the green grass in Ludwigshafen. The project is carried out by the service provider.

Acht Schafe stehen auf omzäunten Grünfläche am Friedhof von Ludwigshafen-Maudach – aeinem here dörflich geprägten Stadtteil am Rand von Ludwigshafen. It’s a matter of race and a sober man who no longer runs, runs or runs. “That’s such a good idea,” said Klaus Eisele, the community conservation group in Ludwigshafen, who carried out a new project project in the Großstadt Ludwigshafen. “If that damage no longer occurs in the damage cabin. If you have such serious problems, then the purchase is also with the zutraulichen – but in Notsituationen.”

Schafe on an outdoor holiday in Ludwigshafen Maudach - Schafe gras in Ludwigshafen

Enjoy the new angels Streuobstwiese at Maudacher Friedhof


The Friedhofsfläche is located near the brach and wird jetzt

I am a moment among the eight Schafe a Grünfläche, die zum Maudacher Friedhof gehort. If you don’t do this anymore, your beer digungen will be fried. More people can watch for hours or alternative forms such as Wald bestattungen. Auf der Grünfläche wachsen Disteln and Klaus Eiseles Naturschutzgruppe “Orbea” has its own Bäume gepflanzt – hauptsächlich alte Apfelsorten. Die Schafe sollen den Wildwuchs endämmen. A nature conservation project that supports the city.

More Planing for Ludwigshafen

With the eight planes there are a few more German ones. Klaus Eisele hofft, that many more Grünflächen in Ludwigshafen would become natural. It is often the case that on the machines of Flächen Kleintiere with Igel, Kröten, Frösche or small Schlangen regularly shredded.

Would you like to have a spare part in the Metrogelände?

The Leiterin des Bereichs Grünflächen für Ludwigshafen, Gabriele Bindert, can be about frosts, but weitere Flächen später becomes a one-off – for everything in the nature conservation areas. If more projects take place, there may be some ephemeral metro lines. Dort wurden Altlasten an ehemaligen Chemische-Deponie met een grünten Erdhügel versiongelt. Aber, so said the chef of the Grünflächen in Ludwigshafen, “that must be everything Schritt für Schritt entwickeln.”

Schafe on an outdoor holiday in Ludwigshafen Maudach - Schafe gras in Ludwigshafen

The Grünfläche in Maudach is now one of the next things.


Schäferin in ehrenamtlicher Naturschutzgruppe

Klaus Eisele hat in the blesser Gruppe eine Schäferin. This is a Schäferin in Viernheim. Dieser Kleinbetrieb betreut beef 600 Tiere. Das Know-How is also available in Klaus Eisele’s Naturschutzgruppe. The city is looking forward to further developments for the future of the future development projects. The city would no longer work, the headquarters of the Klammen in Ludwigshafen of Ehrenamtlichen was brought in – and the regret of Weidetieren fell, fell Arbeit.