
Tom Kaulitz establishes GNTM against Heidi Klum – in the new ProSieben-Show | Unterhaltung

Tom Kaulitz establishes GNTM against Heidi Klum – in the new ProSieben-Show | Unterhaltung

Here are the Littlest the Hosen and! I have started to perform the „Superduper-Show“ and the start. Children dare to want their own little Show, Promises must set up the Show ideas.

On the VIP list we can see: Neben Komiker Wigald Boning (57), Schauspieler Edin Hasanovic (32) and Schauspielerin Annette Frier (50) treten en diesem Abend de Tokyo Hotel-Zwillinge Bill and Tom Kaulitz (next 35) with the Toont ihrer Schützlinge gegeneinander an.

Nachdem Frier with little Anni (10) who proposed self-financed “Gesichtsmeisterschaften”, attracted sich Tom Kaulitz and a whole under Herausforderung.

Katrin Bauerfeind hat Bill and Tom Kaulitz zu Guest

Katrin Bauerfeind hat Bill and Tom Kaulitz zu Guest

Photo: ProSieben/obs

Camp fan saga with Heidi Klum

Mia (10) has found a leading style and is happy with her Frisian Barbies as one of the most popular breeders. Tom is very motivated and can say more about Ehefrau Heidi Klum (50) overwhelmed: “My wife has such a small Umstyling-Show. That gilded is so tops!” Moderator Katrin Bauerfeind (42) grins at that: “You have a family member Vorteil. Das Umstyling was almost inherited by your woman!”

Heidi “Germany’s next top model” power Tom quickly gave a camp fansage: “Yes, that didn’t get any worse. The war is Vorgabe. That must have been a great show!”

Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz have been inherited since August 2019

Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz have been inherited since August 2019

Photo: Getty Images for The Recording A

Frisuren-Glücksrad brought pink Haare

“Schere, Stein, rasiert” is the Mini-Show format, in the more candidates for Mia in “Schnipp, Schnapp, Schnupp” (Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck) antreten. Wer verliert, muss am Frisuren-Glücksrad drehen and sich the entsprechenden Hairschnitt verpass lassen.

If a candidate makes his tattoos and Bart Rosa, there is another who other Tokio-Hotel-Frisur von Bill Kaulitz and try to play in the mirror. Bauerfeind said Mitleid, and so Bill himself will make his anteilnahme, when there is a new fresh Herren: “Yes, mir tat is auch leid!”

Also Annette Frier plays with her children's thoughts Show with

Also Annette Frier plays with her children’s thoughts Show with

Photo: Joyn/Willi Weber

Für den Show-Sieg reicht is at Tom Kaulitz and diesem Abend trotzdem nicht. Edin Hasanovic and his Kandidatin dürfen für ihre Show „Bäh?! Schmeckt das gut!” and “Superduper“-Pokal met nach Hause nehmen.