
Start of the Royal Class – “Das hat Spaß Gemacht”: Bayern’s Duftmarke in Europe – Bayern

Start of the Royal Class – “Das hat Spaß Gemacht”: Bayern’s Duftmarke in Europe – Bayern

Munich (dpa) – What for a take-off. The Bayern matches in their own stadium, on May 31, 2025, have the best wishes for the Champions League final, a cracker start in Europe. From 9:2 (3:0) Dinamo Zagreb is a remarkable Duftmarke.

Neun Tore in a game, so fell for the German Rekordmeister nor keiner Mannschaft in the Europas Fußball-Königsklasse geglückt. Zugleich is FC Bayern’s highest win in now 295 Champions-League-Partien. Nur zwei Teams go higher, Real Madrid and the FC Liverpool jewels with 8:0 matches.

Kompany’s ‘außergewöhnliches’ debut

Für Neu-Coach Vincent Kompany arrives in Munich. Three Siege in the Bundesliga, one of the DFB-Pokal- and nun das gelungen Königsklasse-Debut as a Trainer. “The war is a better thing for one, that Spaß power”, for 38 years in Belgium after a game, that is “a bisschen außergewöhnlich” nannte. 3:0, 3:2, am Ende 9:2 – was for a show!

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Since I was a child, I wouldn’t be able to get rid of my health insurance.

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„The Mannschaft hat Spielfreude said“, frohlockte the Coach, the Offensive-Spektakel liebt and the Publikum with tempogeloadem Pressingfußball mitsreißen will. Vermutlich became the Bayern after the Neun-Tore-Gala to the first Tablenführer in the new League system. That is the company is not so important: “We are happy with our play.”

Kane, the megalomaniac

Of course: Harry Kane outplayed everyone else in the extensive Allianz Arena. First of all, the English four times in the King’s Class. The dream war is vom Elfmeterpunkt eerolgreich. It was a Pflichtspieltreffer 50 to 53 in Bayern-Trikot. A Kane is his service with now 33 Tower on the most English Torschütze in the Champions League. Der 31-Jährige überholte Wayne Rooney (30 Goal).

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The SZ editorial team has articles with it a content of X Corp. affected

Since I was a child, I wouldn’t be able to get rid of my health insurance.

I have my own understanding, that’s mir Contents of X Corp. were announced. Damit were Persons Bezogene Daten und de Betreiber des Portals zur Nutzungsanalyse übermittelt. More information and more detailed information can be found at

“Ein aufregendes, ein verrücktes Spiel”, wrote Kane am Ende a “fantastischen Abends”. The Spielball and the Man-of-the-Match Trophäe are in the house. Seriously, who had England’s captaincy lost in the EM Final against Spain in the summer? ‘Harry is a fuhrungspieler. Delete Solche Spieler, dat sie aufstehen müssen. There is a motivation,” Kompany replied. After fun seasonal games for Bayern, the best thing to do is at the new Tower. The 100-Million-Euro-Mann will be further zurück.

Auch im Focus: Neuer, Sané, Goretzka

If Manuel Neuer goes again during the Mitternacht intervention, this will be one of the things he has done himself. Die Blessur am Oberschenkel, de Kapitän bei a Rettungsaktion met de kopf früh in Spiel erlitt, sei “nichts Gravierendes”. Kompany avoids trotzdem “jedes Risiko”, stated that the Pause Sven Ulreich ins Tor, the two Gegentore of the Croats must be lucky.

A Tor-Comeback feierte der einggewechselte Nationalspieler Leroy Sané nach seiner Leisten-Operation. In the Nachspielzeit Leon Goretzka is still not in the Torschützenliste. At the age of 29, a spell was played at Bayern and played in 6:1 in Kiel, not on the company’s Kaderplatz, where the coach späsmal diesmal and promptly erzielte das 9:2. Great jubilation of the National Players aD nicht. One reason for the Reportern was that Goretzka had a niece.

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