
Neuer Schnelltest knows Herzinfarkt-Risiko in just a few minutes

Neuer Schnelltest knows Herzinfarkt-Risiko in just a few minutes

  • Im Video: Cardiologist erklärt, who is the great Herz-Killer entschärfen

Chest pains are an important analysis for a heart attack. There is a person who has made a note, because he has a very good solution. Only five to 25 percent of these patients suffer from a heart attack, which should be discussed immediately. In most cases, damage is caused by the damage.

There are different types of patients and others who cannot be separated and who can perform appropriate measurements, an international example of the troponin test. Troponin is in a protein complex, which now works in the muscle mass and in the hardening of the muscle cells in the right color.

Bislang dauert a Troponin Test 60 Minutes – in Zukunft eight

The Auswertung is the blood test that takes up to 60 minutes in labor. Further information about the patients, etc. his old or his fight, the test does not show. It is a fact that these factors are separated from the risks of a human, a heart attack that leads.

German research could now be accomplished, with Hilfe eine Troponin-Schnelltests in combination with Künstlicher Intelligenz a rezinfarkt deutlich faster and efficiency as bislang aussgeschlossen kann. The new Schnelltests ermöglichen a Messung of the Troponin-Wertes inner half of eight minutes. A personalizable AI algorithm is kind to the right information, a patient’s risk of recurrence cannot even be a problem.

Data from 2560 Patients unexamined

Included in the Study were the Research Centers for the Universitären Herz- und Gefäßzentrums des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf, the German Centers for Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung as well as the Cardio-CARE in Davos (Schweiz). My studies were made easier in the magazine “Lancet Digital Health”. The Wissenschaftler data dates back to 2,560 patients from the US and Australia. These were in Schnitt 58 Jahre alt.

The team conducted a comparison: a single troponin test after eight minutes in combination with a customizable AI algorithm that supports the standard, German-performed diagnostic tests.

Diagnosis reports, which are often useful, can be obtained from 14 to 15 patients with Brust Schmerzen a follow-up review. The new test test is a gelungen, a rezinfarkt at etwa 35 Prozent der Patients auszuschließen, also bei more than twice as often. “With the best quality of life, 100 percent,” says Erstautorin Betül Toprak.

There are 20 cases of patients with an onset of the disease, who have a second troponin measurement after one of the most well-known wars that the new algorithm is a heart attack.

Neuer Test enlastet Notaufnahmen

A single blood test in combination with the new algorithm can “save the time until the conclusion of the report at more than one third of the patient survey, the symptoms are taken into account, which at some point will have a heart attack”, the study authors report.

The minutes of Krankenhäusern are not charged. Patient, if the care on a heart attack is not better, will never again take place in station countries, which can take good care of a heart attack patient. It is possible that outpatient outpatient care is continued and treated.