
Schlafmediziner clear: Is Schlaftracking wirklich sinnvoll?

Schlafmediziner clear: Is Schlaftracking wirklich sinnvoll?

Do you want to put an end to your sleep and your legs, is it a night with a tracker of your life? Two sleep lovers say that really helps.

That’s Sleep Tracking

Schlaftracker and apps are available on fitness trackers including Whoop, Apple Watch or Fitbit data. Mithilfe von Sensoren were verschiedene Factoren met Bewegungen, Herzfrequenz und manchmal auch die Atmung ergasst and thus the Schlafqualität-analyse.

This data is collected during the night and changes unnoticed. Most of the Tracker functions on the fitness bracelet are available on special mattresses or mats, and most of the movement data is the same.

De Nutzer von Schlaftrackern erhoffen sich von diesen Daten een Verbesserung ihres Schlafs. Do you trade with a technical game or can you solve a Schlaftracker task for a problem?

Set up Schlaftracker and schlaf better? So einfach ist es (leader) nicht

Prof. Thomas Penzel, Schlafforscher und Leiter der Schlafmedizin und der Berliner Charité, weist in einem Beitrag von n-tv darauf hi, dass die wenigsten Schlaftracker winstschaftlich anerkannt sind. The device cannot use frequency and movement frequencies at night, but this data is not as exceptional as professional schlaf studies.

Many Trackers can no longer separate the different Schlafphases. At Schlafmediziner Hans-Günter Weeß betont, many Schlaftrackers are based on “Steinzeitmethodes” of Schlafforschung. Make sure that the device is no longer running and that no diagnosis is made. If orientation help can be viewed, the only man who has not done the Schlaftracker analysis anymore.

Front: Sleep tracker can monitor stress

Sleep stress can occur, if they do not know what they have done, the correct interpretations will be given. Often it is difficult, from the information it is clear to see Schlussfolgerungen. We see that people are on the tracker and that they do not know anything anymore, if they shine, it is “bad” sleep. If you have the power, sleep is also not good.

Für good Schlaf: Hör auf deinen Körper

It is not that you can do the best yourself, or that you want to have a good schläfst or niece. In the worst possible fall, the Schlaftracker sogar der Grund dafür sein, dass du schlechter schläfst. Be serious about Schlafstörungen solltest du in Schlaflabor suchen.