
HOCHDORF Action: HOCHDORF Action is a separate purchase from operator Geschäft | 18.09.24

I have always been separated from the companies, with the milk powder and baby food production, which are supported by the administrative council, and the Zweizerisch-British private equity firm AS Equity Partners.

The HOCHDORF Holding has combined its employees, who are Marke Bimbosan, into the Tochter company HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition (HSN). AS Equity Partners has a turnover of 83 million francs. Due to the sales situation, production and more than 300 working places could be secured.

The action lasts longer if more investments are made, while the Kaufsumme never started, the Ganzen Schuldenberg has stepped down. The Verwaltungsrat props up the Verkauf and AS Equity Partners as an alternative.

One of the Italian Lebensmittelkonzerns is new in the HOCHDORF Verwaltungsrat ab. The HOCHDORF-Grossaktionär has made a great impression, the Verwaltungsrat with its own Leuten zu setzen.

After work, the best team of Firmenchef Ralph Siegl is the HSN manager. These woolen fabrics contain baby food and products such as milk protein powder, milk powder or fett powder restore and use the market.

Siegl will continue their work since 2022. There are some HOCHDORF brought to the Kurs. The Unternehmen act like the schwierigkeiten one, as the Babynahrungs-Vermarkter Pharmalys 2016 erwarb and 2019 with a tieferen Preis wieder verkaufte. Dazu has a separated expansion into China.

Hohenrain LU (awp/sda)