
Union stops Ampel’s “Security Package” for solving it

Union stops Ampel’s “Security Package” for solving it

Union stops Ampel’s “Security Package” for solving it

The Union has indefinitely suspended the Bundesregierung’s “Security Package”. “In the paper that is not correct, it is a leader who is not the necessary masses”, said CDU general Carsten Linnemann of the “Rheinische Post” (Freitagausgabe).

So set the Bundesregierung to the false Schwerpunkte and see the false Schlüsse. “There is no question of the seriousness of illegal migration being determined by the CDU politician”.

With a look at the service of plants Gespräche der Regierung with the Ländern and der Union zur Migration, Linnemann said: “If the Federal Government is a serious Gesprächen interest ist, müssen am Dienstag die Themen Zurückweisungen an der Grenze, Anwendung des Dublin-Prinzips and consequent Abschiebungen auf den Tisch.” There is no problem at all, “we have one problem. The time of work is happy,” says Linnemann.

The Bundesregierung hat is a Donnerstag on a Reihe of the Maßnahmen version, the bislang of the Union gefordert hat. So the Police in Zukunft and Gesichtserkennungssoftware could be set up. The Federal Criminal Office (BKA) has analyzed its political data on the so-called ‘Künstliche Intelligenz’ data. The Federal Police was asked to notify the “Taser” for destruction. The Bundesländer is setting up a ‘criminal law enforcement agency’, with a Bahnhof, complete Messerbote einführen können and the Bundespolizei that are responsible for the suspicion of criminal investigations.

Provided more rules are in place, asylum rights will be changed. “Wir became another major foreign interest that was defined at the Straftaten, which started with a Messer and a Freiheitsstraf of the mind a halben Jahr führen,” said Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) and. One of the most important foreign interests of Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) is to avoid fear of trafficking in criminal law. Auch Reisen in het Heimatland was sollen limited. “We are living with our singing family, who will be able to play their part in a better environment, in their own home country, so that their status as a refugee or a subsidiary protective order will be aberkannt,” Faeser can say. An Arbeitsgruppe with the federal states involved in Dublin Abschiebungen.

The Exit Ground for Asylum is no longer available. “Once again people are able to follow their paths, their sexual orientation paths in Jewish society or a number of misanthropes, who are motivated by Islam, Islamism or extremists, cannot obtain asylum in Germany or become anerkannt as a refugee”, according to Buschmann. “A dismantling of the asylum law and the exclusion of the refugee property.” Anja Hajduk (Grüne), State Secretary of Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) has established the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, which can appeal to the Leistungen for Refugees, who are included in a certain situation other EU state Leistungen beziehen könen.

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: Carsten Linnemann (Archive), via dts Nachrichtenagentur