
Julian Nagelsmann on Kahn and Brazzo – Bayern-Aus Theory | Sports

Julian Nagelsmann on Kahn and Brazzo – Bayern-Aus Theory | Sports

Fast forward a year is Julian Nagelsmann (37) Federal coach. In an interview you talked about your national television, your father and your ex-club.

Rückblick: Für eine Ablöse in Höhe von more als 20 Mio. Euro holt der FC Bayern Nagelsmann 2021 of Liga-Konkurrent RB Leipzig. After 84 games and a punk test of 2.31 years it will be over in March 2023. Zum Aus has a theory.

Nagelsmann in “Stern“: “I once went crazy, when the Verein with Hasan Salihamidžić and Oliver Kahn in the Klubführung in a Umbruchphase war, and then it is still a young Trainer. If the world got a tick under those circumstances, war fell and that of Oliver and Brazzo first free themselves from Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Uli Hoeneß. And if you don’t open your head anymore, it might not even be noticeable Standing, um sich viel um mich zu kümmern.“ Salihamidzic übernahm in Summer 2020 as Sports Leader, Kahn as Vorstandsvorsitzender with Nagelsmann in Summer 2021.

If you want to play the Münchner Zeiten über Nagelsmanns Auftreten in the open air. Self-critical inquiry is: “We are still convinced that: I have a strong feeling, aber I am happy, there is a club.”

It was a long time ago that the training was completed on September 22 as the new Trainer of the German National Team vorgestellt (Delay bis 2026). A Job, it struck me. Nagelsmann: “Bei der Nationalmannschaft spürst du ein zijn Verantwortungsgefühl for die Gruppe”, says the Bundestrainer: “So everything with the trainer team has been given the name. You love your life and will arrange everything for you.”

Since 2022, Lena Wurzenberger, former BILD reporter, also lives there. After the games, people often fall into poverty, kiss themselves. Nagelsmann about Lena: “I don’t think I’m trained as a trainer or my trainer as a trainer, but I don’t know what to do.”

Glücklich: Nagelsmann with the blesser Lena

Glücklich: Nagelsmann with the blesser Lena

Photo: Tom Weller/dpa

Emotional problems with the ex-Bayern coach are all one of the things you can do. If the war of the Bundestrainer 20 starts, Vater Suizid starts. If it has not happened yet, start in the Heim-EM in the summer.

Nagelsmann: “That is the family united.” And: “If you listen to the Hymne and thus have a turner for the rest, man on one side is bisschen angespannt, on the other side, that is all there is to it.” Stadium shame. It is a moment when you fall, it is a fact that my father gets his heart. That was truly beautiful.”

That is often the case with DFB sports director Rudi Völler (64): “There is an art figure for me, the mirror in sport and outside of sport a good rest can be. We have conversations, we have about the football counter edge hinausgehen.”