
Apple stops iPadOS 18 update due to problems

Apple stops iPadOS 18 update due to problems

Apple discontinues iPadOS 18 update for M4 iPad Pro

Apple has rolled out the iPadOS 18 update for the M4 iPad Pro model, but the new software can no longer be loaded and installed.

Quick Read: At a Glance

  • Apple has discontinued the iPadOS 18 update for the M4 iPad Pro model.
  • Nutzer messages van schwerwiegenden Fehlern bei der Installation.
  • Apple has updated but the problem is fixed.

Update for huge issues

The update should be updated after the description of an iPad Pro ownership transmitter. There have been reports that the update has undone your power.

Nutzer on Reddit has received a message that the installation process of the installation is no longer possible, but it is not like there are a few iPads that have never been installed before. In those cases war is a full-fledged war of the non-geräts.

Nothing could be further from the truth

No M4 iPad Pro damage has problems with the installation of updates. The problem can be solved by installing the new iOS 17.7 updates for iPadOS 18 update together. Apple has updated with an update about the display, but the problem is not solved.

iPadOS is the Operating system, Apple has developed specifically for the iPad. It is based on iOS, with more than comparable functions, the large screen size and the specific possibilities of the iPad are abnormal. iPadOS offers multitasking, Apple Pencil and various ways to optimize the tablet functionality.