
Purple Disco Machine started Tour mit Konzert in Dresden

Purple Disco Machine started Tour mit Konzert in Dresden

There is a Monat for the Veröffentlichung seines nieuwe Albums that were played by the Dresdner DJ Purple Disco Machine in the Bühnen of Landeshauptstadt. In Dresden it is good to know that Tino Piontek, the DJ with civilian names, is the Deutschen Presse-Agentur. After they had taken a quick flight in the port of Heimatstadt, they became immediately clearer, that is in 2024 in the whole world.

The concert on Saturday at the film night in the Elbufer is the start of the tour for the new album “Paradise”, which starts on September 20. In total 21 terms are planned, up to three in the US and Mexico and throughout Europe. In Germany, Purple Disco Machine will also be performing in Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and Stuttgart.

Special highlight during the show in Dresden

It is the first tour with a band, the show in the Dresdner Jungen Garde in September, which serves almost as a test run. “That’s what we’ve been trying to do for years, and we’ll always have it perfect,” says Piontek.

On Saturday, the concertgoers will be able to enjoy a special highlight. “Dresden would definitely have a different life than the rest of the tour, we will have a few more artists who are on the album,” said Piontek.

The Dresden DJ and producer was 2023 with a Grammy in the category ‘Best Remix Recording’ for a remix with the title ‘About Damn Time’ by the American singer Lizzo are released. With songs like “Hypnotized” or “Fireworks” there are international stories.

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