
Premium-Gaming-Tastatur umfassend überbeitet ›

Premium-Gaming-Tastatur umfassend überbeitet ›

For a good keyboard you have to put some decent money in it. The quality of the Logitech G915 X Lightspeed TKL can not be without problems. With a price of 229.99 Euro the new price is in a range a higher price.

Together Logitech has with the product series G915 X the possibility to use different variants of the new taste, which now have Bluetooth or by the Lightspeed devices that use the TKL model for the best sales of boats. A version with a Ziffernblock can be used with the cable bundled model of a spätere Zeitpunkt tracking. Here the prices are 249 Euro, depending on the model 199 Euro.

Logitech G915

If you doubt the Logitech G915 X as one of the less wireless gaming flavors, the products in your product portfolio are filled. High-quality materials and an excellent design offer the new Flaggschiff model of the Logitech-Gaming series no longer for successful gamers, but also all for high-quality high-end-nutzer-attractive machines.

Pressure point reduced by 1.3 millimeters

The G915 X is made of a completely new shaped galvanic switch, at the hooks of the hooks by a new, cross-shaped construction with polyoxymethylene (POM) ersetzt word. The new design is never as stable as the taste is, but it is one of the best ways to make tipperlebnis-sorgen. Logitech has a new version of the taste of the pressure point from 1.5 to 1.3 millimeters verringert, a faster processing of the device.

Logitech G915

Generally, the new model comes with various modifications, the manufacturer will ensure everything for more bed comfort and stability. So during the assembly of the shaft construction on the Austausch or the adjustment of the taste caps there is no problem anymore. If it is a double coating, transparent PBT is made, which will increase the wider standards and the Schmutz will recognize more easily. For a stable stability, the aluminum plate can be from 1.2 to 1.5 millimeters high.

The Logitech G915