
End of the clubs Watergate: An Silvester ist Schluss

End of the clubs Watergate: An Silvester ist Schluss

With the Watergate one of the clubs from the city must be played. New Räume is a day rare. There can be no talk of a club star.

A modern facade with a terrace on the Spree.

Exponierte Lage: das Watergate an der Oberbaumbrücke Photo: image

Berlin taz | It was a war in Berlin, but in Berlin, Kapital quickly fell everything in the war. 1991, in the quasi-anarchy of East Berlin, which occupied the former seat of the cutlery firm WMF; In the cellar of the heruntergommenen-gebäudes and the Ecke Leipziger-/Mauerstraße entstand der gleichnameige Techno-Club. Die Macher: how can you have parties in a toilet building directly on the ruins of the fallen Mauer, then no change is possible anymore. With the official WMF organization, one of the clubs is in the Zeit, in the symbiosis with Mauerfall and the techno that the club culture applies, the city is promoted.

In 2002, Watergate and the Oberbaumbrücke eroffnete, jene Institution des Berliner Nachtlebens, which went out of service with its annual sale, the WMF war went on a safe location of eight, damals in Café Moskau, sucked. If you know that – there are – the Ortswechsel of a new set-up of the Clubs has started, you will be amazed by the Veranstalter: a Drum’n’Bass Party – and if you are aware of Watergate, you will soon be concerned. Der Tipp für das Kreuzberger Bürogebäude an der Spree kam ausgerechnet von ainem Location-Scout des WMF, wie die Gründer in einem Interview with der Szenezeitschrift Groove expressed.

22 Jahre später muss als das Watergate seine Türen schließen; no irgendein Club, with Marcel Weber, Vorstandsvorsitzender of the Club-Verbandes Clubcommission, in conversation with the concrete, says “one of the best clubs of the World, quickly a Wahrzeichen Berlins”.

If you did the Watergate sales while looking for another couple, you no longer have a new experience. The bet starts with writing the sale with the real estate of Gijora Padovicz, never asking for the “costs”. This is written: “These days in Berlin, that is why the club is a great place to be, since they are happy, and there is a positive atmosphere in their life.” They were connected to the Club and their heritage, they were present in the Kreuzberger Quartier. one of the angesagtests and teuersten der Stadtwurde.

Detours were normal

The Clubs in their Orte, which are now played as a secondary use, are lost, is no longer new and no culture is more, which is a standing renewal proven, not dramatic. In the digital Museum of the Berliner Club History as part of the history of Berlin App only 80 one-time Playgrounds of the last years have been proven; it is a little more.

The legendary list of facts, the years of the walls shifting, reaches from E-Werk over Bunker, Turbine, Magnet, 90 Grad to zum Ostgut. While Letzterer is in the Hause war, it is one of the two world wars in Berlin, the Quartier is the Mehrzweckhalle at the Ostbahnhof. But das Ostgut konnte noch in der Nähe weitermachen: als Berghain.

In Berlin, if you see the Brache in the world of the 1990s, you will find otherwise in the 1990s, the inner part of the Rings, no new Orte more, and the enlarged Clubs that work there. Wer not more than ever, who the Rummels-case or the Mensch Meier is, in the Stadtrand, so who the Griessmühle, the Sonnenallee after the Schöneweide zog and dort as Revier Sudost weitermacht. It is a great opportunity for the Renate-gibt, the end of the last years in the Haus an der Elsenbrücke verlassen muss, steht in den Sternen. Weber spoke of a „Dynamics, the flight, the clubs shift and nothing new comes“.

Costs for clubs and visitors

Gentrifizierungsprozesse, Inflation, Energiekrise and the further growth of the Corona crisis have caused the Handlungsmöglichkeiten of Clubs and stiffened the pressure in Richtung Kommerzialisierung; The guests are happy with the quality of their lives and enjoy clubbing. The high flight with the boom of the Billigflieger has been a flight that has lasted for years, with Watergate Gründer Ulrich Wombacher in an interview with his Berlin Newspaper described. “I am a group that makes the situation normal, but now that clubs are doing very well, all deaths have to be preserved in the Covid era and now the small kitchen parts have to be shared.”

Will Berlin miss and passion the Clubkultur als Markenkern, als Anziehungspunkt für Gäste und anzuwerbende Fachkräfte erhalten, die. The political activities of the CDU recognize inzwischen, unlike in history, the culture and economics zentralen Wert der Clubkultur a. If you still have a substantial structure that has been integrated into a club star or that you could beitragen, you should buy new Räume; There is a kind of law of war, that is, the explosions and the explosions, or a source for the nutzung leerstehender Büroflächen.

If the lobbying organization of the clubs focuses on the club commission that the Bundesbene has established, the clubs will be presented in the new series of Baugesetzbuches as cultural theaters, museums and operas. If you want to make a profit on the financing instruments, you can get the idea that a plan has been devised. The Schutz for Displacement and the Ausweisung von Flächen auch in Wohn- en Mischgebieten bedeuten are called upon.

So, as Weber said, the Ausweisung een Bereichs für clubkulturelle Nutzung, etwa in der planten Siemensstadt mit Tausenden nieuw Angestellten, essence: “Was sollen die Leute dort machen, die zijn ja sonst vor Langeweile sterben?”

It is unclear how the clubs have stopped over time. For Weber it is no longer possible to play the game: “The function of clubs for the social cohesion”, as a means of “solidarity and community”, a man who “can escape this gray everyday”.