
Börse Frankfurt: MDAX am Mittwochnachmittag mit Zuschlägen | 18.09.24

Börse Frankfurt: MDAX am Mittwochnachmittag mit Zuschlägen | 18.09.24

The MDAX is heading into its second day of reserve trading.

At 3:42 PM you will be moving between MDAX and XETRA-Handel 0.09 at 25,804.62 points. Insgesamt kommt der Index damit auf a Börsenwert in Höhe of 248,792 Mrd. Euro. In the Mittwochshandel der MDAX 0.019 Prozent fester bei 25 786.09 Punkten, nach 25 781.19 Punkten am Vortag.

I am a Tagesverlauf for the MDAX up to an amount of 25 702.22. The high standard marks the Börsenbarometer hinges at 25 886.25 Zählern.

So trust the MDAX on the annual basis

Since the week begins with the MDAX results at 1.08 percent. For a month during which the XETRA Trade is open. Am before the Trading Day, on 16.08.2024, betrug der MDAX-Kurs 24 812,18 Punkte. Before three Monaten, on 18.06.2024, see the MDAX onenen Stand von 25 589.93 Punkten auf. The MDAX is available for a period of 18.09.2023, a Stand of 26 915.10 Punkten auf.

As of the beginning of the year 2024, the Index went with a value of 3.85 percent. In these years, the MDAX achieved a year-on-year return of 27,641.56 points. At 23,476.10 points, its pivotal annual value is found.

MDAX Scaffolding and Descending

The strong Aktien in MDAX since TUI (+ 2.22 Prozent at 6.44 EUR), Nordex (+ 2.22 Prozent at 15.22 EUR), Stabilus SE (+ 2.05 Prozent at 37.30 EUR), thyssenkrupp (+ 1.98 Prozent at 3.04 EUR) and TRATON (+ 1.91 Prozent at 29.35 EUR). Other End of MDAX List stehen derweil Delivery Hero (-1.30 Prozent at 29.60 EUR), EVOTEC SE (-1.00 Prozent at 6.42 EUR), Scout24 (-0.80 Prozent at 74.20 EUR ) EUR), Gerresheimer (-0.78 Prozent at 102.40 EUR) and PUMA SE (-0.76 Prozent at 37.97 EUR) under Druck.

Inside the MDAX: Trading Volumes and Market Capitalization

The trading volume of the TUI action is high in MDAX of the time. These can be traded via XETRA 2 678 782. The Talanx Action has a market capitalization of 19,767 billion. Euro aus. Damit has that action in MDAX in the high Börsenwert.

KGV and Dividende der MDAX-Aktien

I am MDAX with the TRATON action in those years the FactSet-Schätzung with 5.37 of the lowest Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV). The dividend yield is that the RTL-Aktie 2024 won the FactSet Estimate with 14.64 Prozent an der Spitze in the Index.

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