
Regional Superfood: Darum sollten Sie täglich Möhren essen

Regional Superfood: Darum sollten Sie täglich Möhren essen

Carrots are years ago a religious community and are no longer affected by my life, but by their history. Originally in White, Yellow and Violet expanded, thanks to the heute bekannte orange Färbung niederländischen Gärtnern.

Look at the karotten that runs on Linie. You benefit from a healthy amount of vitamins, vitamin B1, B2, B6 and C, which contain essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and proteins. In each portion of Karotten you will find 7 and 15 milligrams of beta-carotene, about 6 to 7 grams of carbohydrate per 100 grams.

Carrots do not want to be positive, but it is better. If you consider the regularity of the carrots, it is best to go to a regular department of the Sebum and Swig Drüsen. The high content of Beta Carotin effectively protects you from sunburn. Research into the appearance of the tag Verzehr a larger Carrot your cholesterol level can decrease within fewer weeks.

Darüber hinaus bieten Karotten noch mehr: Die Blätter, die zwar einen bitter Geschmack haben, besitzen disinfiziering Eigenschaften. If you use this Blätter as a Mundspülung, this is the Mundgesundheit you use. If you get a karottenblätter from the Kidney Health, you reimburse the Entstehung von Nierensteinen verhindern and at the Auflösung bestehender Steine ​​​​helfen.

If you buy some new materials, you will still receive the purchased Karotten. I think this is a natural enzyme. Egal, ob roh, as Safe oder im Kuchen – Karotten sind in jeder Form vorteilhaft and welding sich leicht in Ihre tag Ernährung integrieren.

This text provides a transcript of the video recordings. The video was made by our partner Glomex.