
Wolfsburg’s Frauen for Einzug in the Champions League

Wolfsburg’s Frauen for Einzug in the Champions League

The soccer ballerinas of VfL Wolfsburg play a role in the group stage of the Champions League. I have played the qualifying matches with AC Florenz who plays the German Pokalsiegerinnen in Italy with 7:0 (4:0). Das Rückspiel is found on September 25 in Wolfsburg statt.

The Tore shossen Marina Hegering (6., 25.), Alexandra Popp (38., 53., 57.), Jule Brand (44.) and Vivien Endemann (83.) Hegering brought the Wolfsburgerinnen zweimal per Kopfball with 2:0 in Führung, Popp-macht in the Dreierpack during the two Tore innerhalb of four-minute course after the Pause perfect.

The VfL won the Champions League in 2013 and 2014 and was in the final of FC Barcelona (2:3) in 2023. I have been working with the team of Trainer Tommy Stroot for years in the Playoff Games and Paris FC.

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