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Since 2026, the device has become transparent. It is a fact that an EU directive has backfired.

Who is after a new job, as in the position statement a central position often vergeblich: the content. That happened on June 7, 2026. Fundamentals is the only transparent directive of the European Union, which was published in 2023. If you are more transparent and fairer, you can promote the gender pay gap, for all men and women – Stichwort gender pay gap. In 2023, a woman deserves the Federal Statistical Office in Germany in the long run 18 percent less than a man.

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Gleichberechtigung vorantreiben: This is the assessment of the Entgelttransparenz-Richtlinie der EU

By 2023, the EU’s Directive on Entgelttransparenz will finally be implemented. These Mitgliedstaaten sollen diese nun bis 2026 in nationales Recht umsetzen. If you see that it is in the EU that there is a good chance that Lohn is being committed, so that is Federal Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth. One component of the guideline is that it is involved, the mind tests are 100 months ago, on June 7, 2026, regularly dating the lohnlücke in their lives. By increasing the gender pay gap, it becomes more likely that the analysis will be carried out and that the results will be expanded.

Two women in Vorstellungspräch
In Zukunft the tension span for the final content will occur before the proposal discussions are offered. © Shotshop/Imago

Another important question, which has been reassessed with the new directive, is that the unity of the unity or the unity in the postponed system is about sollen, spatestens aber vor dem Vorstellungsgespräch. The criticism of the quality should last longer. You will see that the Verhandlungsposition von Bewerbern has been stopped. The new EU Directive came into national law from the lone Mitgliedstates in June 2026. Set the Unternehmen de Forderungen nicht um, könnten Sanktionen follow, beispielsweise in Form von Bußgeldern.

Gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit: Entgelttransparenzgesetz soll Lohnlücke in Deutschland schließen

Since July 2017, the “Law on the Promotion of Asset Structures” has been in force in Germany. They must take work under certain circumstances to request information about differences in wages or their colleagues as employees. It is all a matter of disclosing to a number of silent colleges, which are very simple to implement. If employees in the process party earn as others in comparable positions, they have the power, these differ in a given situation.

“Dear an Entgeltunterschied, zischen de Geschlechtern bei gleicher of der gleichwertiger Arbeit, muss der Arbeitgeber objective and free discrimination green, which diesen Unterschied rightfertigen”, writes das Federal Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth on the signaler’s website. Consultation: Verhandlungsgeschick zählt nicht zu den Gründen.