
Xlife Sciences AG: Successful first half year 2024 with strategic fortresses and solid financing

Xlife Sciences AG: Successful first half year 2024 with strategic fortresses and solid financing

Zurich, September 19, 2024: The Xlife Sciences AG (SIX: We are proud to be able to build new partnerships and develop new partnerships in our diverse portfolio.

The complete Halbjahresbericht 2024 of

Operative Höhepunkte im ersten Halbjahr 2024

Xlife Sciences AG’s diversified portfolio has completed 25 projects, which have made a fortress in the report. The following highlights can be seen in passing:

  • x-nuclear diagnostics GmbH: With the innovative PET tracers that DAZAmed uses, there can be a bad diagnosis in human diagnosis. The rollout of Tracers is planned for the first quarter of 2024.
  • VERAXA Biotech AG: The Unternehmen have found some great results in your portfolio with an exclusive Lizenz in Bereich Hemibody Technology. Dadurch became Risiken von Nebenwirkungen and hoher Toxizität in der Krebstherapie deutlich reduziert.
  • novaxomx GmbH: The positive results from tests with extra-solid vesicles of the bone marrows are a heavier step on the market strip.
  • FUSE-AI GmbH: The market analysis of the AI ​​software «» is based on the following diagnoses and results in prostate cancer. There are now more indications for the beast or the downtime.
  • palleos health care GmbH: The strategic merger with OCT Clinical GmbH begins the position in the clinical study and the most recent in the federal states and regions.

This means that synergy will benefit from the portfolio, a technological innovation that is gaining momentum and new market segments will be created. Find more information in the Aktionärsbrief in the Halbjahresbericht.

Financial knowledge

Immediately after the half year 2024, Xlife Sciences received an income from CHF 349,818.- (previous period: CHF 347,979.-). Your action costs CHF 0.08.- (Previous period: CHF -1.10.-). The Bilanzsumme remains stuck at CHF 509.9 million. (Vorjahreperiod: CHF 477.9 million), and shareholders’ equity is CHF 367.0 million. (Vorjahreperiod: CHF 332.6 million).

Strategic Partnerships and Internationalization

Another Schwerpunkt began in half of 2024 with the international development of the companies, uninterrupted by the enhanced cooperation in Abu Dhabi with partners with Thermo Fisher Scientific and Masdar City. These partnerships define the position of Xlife Sciences as an active company in life sciences and clinical studies on a global level.

Look forward to the summer of 2024

Xlife Sciences is probably one of many years and a further strategic milestones. Two portfolios with the “Proof of Concept” status were a solid basis for the future Wachstum project.

Oliver R. Baumann, CEO of Xlife Sciences AG, commented: «With a redesigned market square, we can achieve significant progress in the first half of 2024. Our innovative projects and strategic partnerships are steadily increasing our activities and activities. Hopefully, there will be more waiting and long-term work that you can realize.»

Financial calendar

Company report 2024 April 25, 2025
General Meeting 2025 June 24, 2025
Half-year report 2025 September 23, 2025

U?ber Xlife Sciences AG (ZES: XLS)

Xlife Sciences is a Swiss company, which is concentrated as an incubator and accelerator (‘accelerator’) on the evaluation and commercialization of widely spread research projects of universities and other research institutions in the life sciences area, with the aim of providing solutions for a healthy diet and better quality of food. The aim is to provide solutions for research and development of the health matrix on the basis of results. Xlife Sciences provides a large number of cutting-edge projects in the four technology platforms, biotechnology/therapy, medical technology and advanced intellectual/digital health care for the best research studies and participates in the first steps in the world. More information at

Rechtlicher Hinweis (in English)

Some information in this press release contains forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results could differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. Xlife Sciences undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements.