
dpa-AFX’s Million Potential Research

dpa-AFX’s Million Potential Research

GÜTERSLOH/NÜRNBERG (dpa-AFX) – With a number of studies in 2035 among the 55- to 70-year-old working force in a study of 1.36 million full-time employees. About 1.5 million people have had their say, reported labor market expert Eric Thode from the Bertelsmann Foundation. A person in the final phase of his work, more time to work, longer in the job or in the rest position, once again back to work, are a whole bundle and written and changes are required. If you have concluded a financing agreement, there are judges, judges, judges, but also the construction of health insurance, care and welfare boats.

Hand lungs provide an unfavorable prognosis

The Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) is now officially responsible for Model Research in the Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation, since 2035 in the Group of 55 to 70 years since the Erwerbstätigen is based on the demographic population of 1.5 million people. Persons sink – auf dann noch knapp 9 Millionen. These nice schrumpfen can get compensation, if the economy and politics deal with passing boats that are there. A Rahmenbedingungen – a firm and lawful one – must be adopted, such as Thode der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

Was it Zentralen Ansatzpunkte?

When analyzing the foundation that follows all individuals of the Altersgruppe 55-70, there is a network and it is one of all branches. “Für unterschiedliche Berufsgruppen braucht man nature auch unterschiedliche Maßnahmen”, Thode stated. Konkrete Beispiele: A long time in the production Beschäftigter könne in höheren Alter auf a weiniger körperlich anstrengende Position im Betrieb wechseln. A Dachdecker-Senior kümmere in the PC office with the material management. Part of the staff planning became technically Hilfsmittel with a lift to the development of your patient, who would get out of the pit into the hole.

The country is in the Arbeitskraft and Erfahrung Älterer angewiesen. If the simulation is directed towards Sweden, the description can be adjusted and its lifespan will be so high.

Greater potential sees the study in more groups

The Ausgangslage: Rund 6.1 Millionen Menschen in der Altersgruppe beziehen derzeit eenine Alters-oder Erwerbsminderungsrente. Three quarters of the Altersrentner from 65 years of legends, that is not healthy since. “Because you can do financial business and continue through Arbeitsangebote geeignete maßnahmen.”

In Germany currently 3.6 million people between 55 and 70 years old work in part – in the course of 20.3 weeks. We can keep a man for a in stock if he devotes his full time, when the fear is appropriate and the man who is involved in care and nursing duties is relieved. Greater possibilities for DIW and foundation are, if the person mobilizes, the action no longer works, but there is also no interest that can be paid by other people.

The To-Do list is long

Some of the best options you can use is that some of the niches will be removed and will do more work for you. Further education is important and to guarantee from the policy. In the tax and social policy adjustments must be made, also in the labor law, the investigation is listed. Long-term not everything in history Alternative is not yet in the low regions, painted Thode. One of the most important health problems that exist.

Können, Wollen, Dürfen, sagt das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung

For the IAB Erläuterte Vizedirektor Ulrich Walwei: “It’s a matter of being able to do it, having a good time and having fun.” Zum Dürfen: “Da müsste man bei den Rahmenbedingungen eeniniges ändern – Tarifverträge, betriebliche Vereinbarungen, Einzelverträge.” Beim Können sei Prävention – for everything in the complexes Bildung and Gesundheit – separated for a longer Beschäftigungsfähigkeit. “Our analyzes are: we have learned formal qualifications and life lessons in the alternative way in which the competition is composed, is in any case longer in the future.” It is possible to improve mental and mental fitness – here the state and the Wirtschaft are only one fragmented.

In the wool, Walwei follows the personal motivation in focus. “That is also for the sake of reconciliation, even in which I buy my time – and the question, where the potential is estimated and man is set aside and according to his competences.” It may be that there is no question of commotion. Scheiden Menschen is an alternative pastime and a free time on the market, as long as it is a break, nor a break on the labor market in the field of the economy. Anreize, the Ampelregierung works flat, can be carried out for free.

The Ampel factory has become another new Prämie for people, the rental alternatives are woolen. If you cancel the interest rates during your rental period, you can change the regular interest rates. It is possible that this can be done with ease, which means that the connection between the two is also possible – in the form of a self-sufficient payment plan.

Nichtstun is not an alternative

The IBA model has a potential of 1.36 million full and non-taxable amounts. “That is a matter of course, but it is not possible to fail. Great success in the future and in such a way that it will not happen again,” said Walwei. Schon in seinem jüngsten “IAB Forschungsbericht” van altere Arbeitskräften stellte is clear, thats hohe or steigende Erwerbstätigenquoten alterer Menschen definitiv “keine Selbstläufer” since. “There may be a long time, but Nichtstun is not an alternative.