
The best Food Events in Herbst

The best Food Events in Herbst

A Nachwuchstrio, Küche from Cartagena, „Fluttroellen“ and Dinner in Museum: The Herbst has culinary so little zu bieten.

Food in all colours

Simone and Adi Raihmann from Karma Food love the Urban Food & Design Festival Café, the BIOFABRIQUE CANTEEN figure of studio dreiSt at the Vienna Design Week von September 20-29 . Kim Bechinger (letzte Station Healthyboyband Healthship) runs the ‘Karma Canteen’ in the current Festival Café from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daneben is not an exciting surprise in Kooperation mit dem Restaurant Red staff from Lech geben, on September 28th a dinner party „Food banquet: a sumptuous feast“: A culinary discovery tour through colors in six directions, and the evening will also be played with colors, sounds, fire and textures (155 euros). Join the team of Roten Wand Masterclasses on the topic “Reuse and fermentation for good” September 27 (60 euros).

The Nachwuchs Trio

It’s only a few months ago that the city’s gourmets have come to the young Burschen-merksam: Elie Reboul, Luca Presser and David Rotmanov alias Blue Lime Project who started again, the former Loup Garou in the presentation of his plays. The Gastspiel is in the past, now that man is his own project: From October 15th play sie bows under the names Badger Trick das Ährlich in der Wasagasse. Nor im September (20., 21.) test how you can use Abenden with a new card in your home. Information can be found on Instagram under @dasdrittl.

Rum statt Bier in der Ottakringer Brauerei

Who is a death? Ottakringer Brewery thinks, thinks about beer. Derweil can put a man on Rum. Ben September 20 and 21 will man Durstige direkt von 1160 aus in de Karibik entführen, am Viennese Rum Festival (in favor of summer than is ultimately vorbei). This is the largest Rum Festival in Europe with over 100 Rum types from all over the world. For a good price for the sale is a few Foodtrucks available in Gelände, – with Italian and Greek specialties, Burger and Homemade food.

Common or “as a whole”

The Austrian-Chilean couple Judith Lergetporer and Diego Briones give hints Z’som restaurant in the Wiener Gusshausstraße. Man said he experimented with international fusion cuisines and not under the grim late American influences. Here is the event “Friends Latinos” introduces late American talent in Vienna, and the next guest chef Jaime Rodriguez at Restaurant Celele in Cartagena (Kolumbien). Ben September 25 and 26 (179 euros).

In the Zukunft shows with “Popchop”

When the “Food Festival for the Next Generation” experiences the “Presse” 2022, the first Ausgabe vom “Pophop”-Festivalstat. These herbs are used over time and in a German translation. If the results of the latest statistical analyses are a new festival (September 21st to 29th). Obviously, it is one of the spirits that no longer exists. The focus is on the steading Walk in the Esskultur. Man will have to make other “Consciousness for innovative food production and its economic, ecological as well as social flow”, so it is on the website. International experts and producers come together who can find this kind of companies “everywhere in Vienna”– etwa in the Markterei, in Meinklang Hofladen, in Schatz in Hof and in Brösl. The Hirn is one of the most evil, wie der Magen.

To the museum for the mind

At the “Amazing worlds” in the Museum for Angewandte Kunst in Vienna (MAKE) depending on who the name is, depending on the nature of it. Everything was gone too, it was damaged and fallen. Internationale wie regional specialties, alkoholfreies and high prozentiges, sußes wie scharfes, all kinds of food. I am classics Messe-Rahmen. If you have a Vortragsbereich, this is the case with Kochvorführungen and Tee-Zeremonien. Von October 18th to 20th. Consider in MAK, now a Monat später, findet thenn das Vegan Planet Festival pflanzlicher Ernährung statt, and black am November 16th.

In the hot box

Die three Gastro-Revoluzzer der Healthy Boyband (Lukas Mraz, Philip Rachinger and Felix Schellhorn) have created a “culinary intervention” for the Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl, which started in one day “Hot box” (also a Holzkonstruktion) serves wird. Der letzte Termin finds am October 5th in the Almtal Statt en ist via buchbar. I am an alten Bahnhofsgebäude in Bad Ischl can a man indessen erleben, was Nachwuchsköchinnen and -köche sich unter zukünftiger Gastronomie vellen, I Genusswerk am September 25th.

Fischkauf für Hilfe nach den Fluten

And if you have a culinary involvement, you want to help: for that Fish craving Oberwasser in Schwarzau in the Gebirge – who, among other things, believed in Spitzengastronomy, vom Steirereck abwärts – the Unwetter were an absolute Catastrophe, the Schäden gehen in the Hunderttausende. Mithilfe von befreundeten Betrieben are busy with an initiated action. Bei der Fischzoek itself and in der Fish in the Praterstraße in Wien, a Wochenende Räucherforellen-verkauft, der Erlös was geht in den Wiederaufbau: Samstag and Sonntag jeweils 10-14 Uhr.


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