
Schalke: Aufsichtsrat fordert Sieg – Endspiel for coach Geraerts! | Sport

Schalke: Aufsichtsrat fordert Sieg – Endspiel for coach Geraerts! | Sport

End-of-time shot at Schalke!

Der Keller-Knaller in the Freitag against Darmstadt (6.30 PM/Sky) with the Schicksalsspiel for Wackel-Trainer Karel Geraerts (42).

After BILD information about Schalkes Aufsichtsrat vom Belgier jetzt zwei Siege in Serie fordern – gegen Bundesliga-Absteiger Darmstadt en schließend bei Zweitliga-Aufsteiger Münster (28. September). Demnach muss Geraerts das Duell with the new Lilien-Coach Florian Kohfeldt (41) has got a new job, a job he wants to have.

Alphatiere: Sports Director Marc Wilmots (l.) and Management Engineer Ben Manga (r.) as well as the Vorstands-Vorsitzende Matthias Tillmann (M.) gilts as permanent staff

Alphatiere: Sports Director Marc Wilmots (l.) and Management Engineer Ben Manga (r.) as well as the Vorstands-Vorsitzende Matthias Tillmann (M.) gilts as permanent staff


Zusätzlicher Zündstoff: The Trainer-Frage spaltet seine direkten Vorgesetzten!

► Sports director Marc Wilmots (55/”I don’t like Zweifel an ihm!”) saw Landsmann scrambling.

► Days on which trainee chef Ben Manga (50) is busy agitating and following Geraerts (BILD report).

Schalkes Trainer (Delay until 2025) gleefully: “I am happy with Ben’s telephoniert. For me, the theme has been resolved.”

The Risse between the intimate mates are no longer kittens.

Nun hangs fast all from Schalkes Profis ab, the chief coach with a sieg can Darmstadt retten können.

Torwart Justin Heekeren (23) smiles, as Geraerts de Kabine does not lose his hat: “The team is fully behind the trainer.”

The Goalkeeper is reinschmeißt for Geraerts, is a bit of a Stück with Kalkül. Heekeren (after Leihe von Maasmechelen zurück) wurde von ihm sensationell zur Nr. 1 in favor – and Manga-Mann Thorben Hoffmann (25/ablösefrei von Braunschweig) is on the bench. With a Trainer-Wechsel it is possible that a Torwart-Tausch will appear.

Geraerts himself says that he is a campferisch: “Zusammenzustehen is our only chance. This world can be completely different in two weeks.”

Falls ihm diese Schalke-Zeit noch bleibt…