
Der Heimatchor Burg Stargard e. V.

Der Heimatchor Burg Stargard e. V.

In 1980 the Frauenchor VEB Plackotex was established. The Schöne Stunden choir was published under the direction of Ursula Ristau. Songs from Feder von Ursel fell into the program, these erzählen von der Stadt and Umgebung Burg Stargard. Sogar in Berlin after 750 years of war of the Chor dabei.

Uber die Wende hat Ursel den Chor gerettet, is wurde in Heimatchor Burg Stargard e. V. cumbersome. Non in eigener Direction weiter bestehen. Probenraum were more Räumlichkeiten in the Stadt, ua the other Feuerwehr. Alternatively, Ursel is in charge and Sylvia Hammer continues. It’s a man who says he sings. Growing friends is common. With a choir in Marne, der Partnerstadt.

Then look at Sylvia’s illness clause. When the choir is in the Luft, the research in the Quastenberg is finished. And nun? All gentlemen and some singers are dressed up. Die Leiterin vom Chor Warbende/Blankensee half dem Heimatchor from. In this Zeit Barbara Gepp won a segment for the choir. Nach more intensive such, ultimately weeder focused Chorproben.

Gleichzeitig stellte die Stadt dem Chor eenen Probenraum, met Küche und Toilette in “Alten Hospital” zur Verfügung. Everything is possible here. A Chogarten is ready. Find the status of Auftritte in the area of ​​Stargard and in Neubrandenburg. Probeseminar were durchgeführt, drei Tage am Stück. The festival of the choir and the voices were celebrated.

The image said that the Vereinsvorsitzende Gundula Reek, the pleasure of the Ehrenurkunde for the Ehrenamt-extensive work. Beim Bürgerempfang Burg Stargard, not near Davon. The war ended. The Choir lives from the Mitgliedsbeiträgen and smaller Sponsors. The joy of spending both trips is always great. Yes, now that it first came in Christmas time, the Chor later disappeared. The largest is after the Auftritt during Advent in the Johanneskirche in Burg Stargard at 3 p.m. Herzlich Willkommen!

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