
Darum war das Wort „Gott“ in „Star Trek“-Universe verboten

Darum war das Wort „Gott“ in „Star Trek“-Universe verboten

With “Star Trek,” Gene Roddenberry has created one of the world’s most successful sci-fi franchises. But the universe also follows strict rules.

When Gene Roddenberry “Star Trek” occurs, there is a vision of a utopian enterprise. The story of the series takes a long time with the fact that it is most people, who play a film and a series, which makes fans less. There have never been many Darsteller*innen in the Directors positions appeared or various Roles in more than a series played. As soon as the authorizations have more fans and stop with the rules, the Roddenberry casts are worn by the “Raumschiff Enterprise” festivities hat.

Want to know everything about the credible Sci-Fi Series? More information about “Star Trek” can appear on our video.

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Die Liste verbotener Wörter at “Star Trek”

One of the active series of “Star Trek” is “Discovery”. When Captain Gabriel Lorca-Darsteller Jason Isaacs has to celebrate, Roddenberry’s rule is not as light as it is. Laut Entertainment Weekly improvises in a certain text and text with ‘Gott’. Autorin Kirsten Beyer wrote an informant about her death, von Roddenberry never died.

The automaker’s emails would have come into being, while Gene Roddenberry has a utopian well-understood, in science and not religion that is most of life. Religion had its opinion after no place in a world, in the science that the world picture portrays. There was only a role played and never anything played. If Isaacs’ Nachfrage, while the F-Wort made use of the duration, Kisten Beyer will have no geantkruid, that is it as “Gott” to say.

Not all Showrunners see the Ban so strictly

In an interview with nerdist erklärte the previous Showrunner in Gretchen Berg, the strict verb of the word “Gott” gar nicht so strict in muss. Vielmehr goes and goes in Star Trek about a diversity and people with uninterested ansichten. If you sit on the Platz for people, you die a little, or become a kartoffel.

When you see the Rules, Gene Roddenberry is fired up, and you see the hints. So be it one day when the crew of a ship goes to war and the conflict always has to come from outside. Aberkanterweise is under this Rule ready in the beginning of the history of “Star Trek” can be acquired again.

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