
GNW-Adhoc: Rebranding of Rejuveron Life Sciences AG as Centenara Labs AG with the new clinical updates | 19.09.24

GNW-Adhoc: Rebranding of Rejuveron Life Sciences AG as Centenara Labs AG with the new clinical updates | 19.09.24

^* Name generation and rebranding action as Centenara Labs AG


* The rebranding is possible with these external strategic initiatives

Start the therapy therapy in regenerative medicine

and for modified illnesses

* The Unternehmen report is one of the most common clinical studies

Make sure you use new art with the EA-2353 to educate blindness

of Retinitis pigmentosa

SCHLIEREN, Switzerland, September 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Centenara Labs AG

(kurz?Centenara” oder das?Unternehmen”) (formal as Rejuveron Life Sciences AG),

ein Zurich ansässiges Biotechnologieunternehmen met Schwerpunkt auf der

Treatment of therapy for an alternative treatment, it is possible that this happens

Action on the general regulations (?AGV”) from August 23

2024 The naming of Centenara Labs AG is completed. With this

strategic names and the whole general rebranding will be permanent

The difference between the departments in the market is safe and dying

It may be that the Unternehmens is reared, a Centenara-besser for

zukünftiges Wachstum auszurichten.

The new company name takes its cue from Centenara, the human bee

if you need help, your functional functioning, your functioning and mind

Fitness for your healthy lifestyle during your workout

drink up, soft drinks are drunk and borrowed and spread out for longer

Quality of life can be improved, which in Zusammenhang with hundertjährigen

Menschen (engl. Centenarians) are such wichtiges Diskussionsthema ist. Dare to die

Erforschung und Entwicklung nouvelle Behandlungsansätze, die to die

Grundursache altersbedingter Erkrankungen abzielen, erhofft sich Centenara, die

Gesundheitsspanne zu verlängern – daddurch soll sechergestellt be, datss

Keep in mind that you may not be able to live any longer, but you may want to live a different life

high quality of life.

?User Neuauftritt as Centenara is a kühner and zkunftsorientierter

Schritt, der sich with unserer strategicen Vision deckt and more beinhaltet als

a clean naming sänderung: The aim is for the Erneuerung unseres Schwerpunkts

in the treatment, one of the other people, the effective therapy in

Achieving regenerative medicine and altering health benefits”,

said Aksana Labokha, CEO of Centenara.

showcases our own company and has a biotechnology sector

during cooking on the factory settings for a longer life ab. Uncertain

zukünftige Geschäftstätigkeit as centenara wird nicht nur unsere strategicen

Soul-oriented with the appreciation of the occasion on the open market and

Partnerships in the Pharmaceutical industry unterstützen, without any doubt

Bemühungen beim on a pipeline with bahnbrechenden Treatment gegen die

wichtigsten Merkmale des Alterns stärken.”

If you are innovative, think about the future of your life

Erforschung und Weiterentwicklung der veldversprechendsten Entdeckungen in

Ophthalmology and the development of new therapies for a desire of

Carefree and home delivery, a longer and healthier lifestyle

beige slow. Zum Anlass des Rebrandings by Centenara Anleger en

other interests on the renewed website and the new

Firmenauftritt unter anzuschauen.

Clinical Update on EA-2353: Treatment of Retinitis pigmentosa

I am working on the rebranding changes that Centenara likes for an update

the main programs for EA-2353 for the treatment of retinitis

pigmentosa (kurz?RP”), which has a fortschreitende Netzhautdegeneration mit

Verlust der Sehfähigkeit verursacht. EA-2353 is an endogenous stem cell

Abzielender niedermolekularer Wirkstoff, der?schlafende” retinal Stamm- en

Vorläuferzellen zur Erhaltung or Wiederherstellung des Sehvermögens animiert.

RP is een seltene erbliche Netzhauterkrankung, die früh einsetzt, soda die

Most patients are completely blind by the age of 40. One

The first phase I/IIa clinical trial took place with many participants

Vorläufigen Ergebnissen abgeschlossen, de darauf hinweisen, dass EA-2353 sicher

and a deep war. The exploratory analyses have become positive

Tendenzen bezüglich Sehvermögen, Netzhautempfindlichkeit und Struktur der

Netzhout in the discussed Augen hin. Das Unternehmen ist der Meinung, dass

this Ergebnisse eine aufregende Entwicklung in Bezug darauf darstellen, was

über Therapien mit Schwerpunkt auf Stammzellen is possible.

View of the time of treatment and treatment of most people

Patients with RP acquisition EA-2353 are new, non-suspendable

Treat the lungs if they resemble the genetically altered Ursachen

from RP wesentliche Vorteile with itself brings. That American-American

Arzneimittelbehörde FDA designated EA-2353 as orphan status in May 2021

Weapon imitation.

In a hundred years

Centenara is a biotechnology unternehmen with clinical treatment

Development programs for therapies for the treatment of healthy alternatives. Seine in

der Erforschung und Entwicklung von Wirkstoffen foutahrene Belegschaft versügt

Over the years, knowledge of alternative biology has become a technological development in

the biopharmaceutical F+E, with the Help is a new generation of

Please note that the human will stay alternately and longer

come alive.

All Centenara concentrate programs can be loaded in a simple way

the prevention, repair or remediation of the mark of the alternatives.

So make sure you use a therapeutic Pipeline that is from der

Wirkstofferforschung bis his clinical application direction. It’s active

Portfolio is in Consideration of Modalities, Entwicklungsstadien and Alterungsaspekte

very wide-ranging and containing a revolution in the new molecular world

Ansatz zur Regeneration endogener Stammzellen, der zurzeit in eenstudie der

Phase I/IIa in the US and one patient with RP study.

The new product offering of the active product pipeline includes drug therapies

Alternative macular degeneration in clinical phase, new

Therapies for other alternative medicine in the treatment of fibrosis and

Krebs, a telomer program with Schwerpunkt on the wiederherstellung and

Repair of damaged or damaged telomeres anyway Program, which auf

neurodegenerative and cognitive disorders.

Centenara Wurde 2019 by de unternehmerisch Denken Wissenschaftler

Matthias Steger and the sensational Anleger Christian Angermayer gemeinsam


Aksana Labokha, CEO [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
