
Freerunning: Acrobatik on the Dächern der Landshuter Altstadt

Freerunning: Acrobatik on the Dächern der Landshuter Altstadt

It is not Schwerverbrecher on the run in the Dächern von Landshut. And there is no new James Bond. The young Mann in Turnschuhen and his sports outfit, who sits on the facade of the Landshut Rathauss, is Krystian Kowalewski. The pole is a better world master in the relatively new trend sport art freerunning.

Dreimaliger Freerunning-Weltmeister in Landshut Unterwegs

Impressed by the city Landshut Dächer and Gebäude in the Altstadt, so experience who no one before me: “I had the great opportunity, that city with a perspective so see who there otherr for my”, there is an interview with BR24. “A real habit is here. If it’s good, it’s done and I’ll enjoy my time here.”

Extreme athlete Krystian Kowalewski and his partner Jason Paul incorporate the Landshut Altstadt into the city as sports acrobats. “With this film project, we want to capture the wonderful architecture of the landscape and the city with spectacular sports and perspectives in the best lighting effects and in the best sets,” explains Michael Bragulla from Stadtmarketing. If all goes well, all the small GoPro cameras and dryers are suitable for films that are only used by tourism.

Extreme sports enthusiasts in the Dächern and Fassaden der Altstadt

The Dächer und Fassaden der Altstadt, aber auch the single Rathausprunksaal became their sports herausforderung for the Freerunner-mit Momenten zum Atem anhalten. Look for the extreme athlete. Zum Beispiel bei den Sprüngen hoch above the Rathausfassade. The Landshuter Rathaus war was a total disaster for the action, but the two Freerunner Jason Paul: “The senses are clear and a second reaction to the story. And the war is for a great moment in the film.” dürfen. ” Wohlgemerkt: ohne Netz und Dubbelten Boden.

Of course it’s not like it happens in the Himmel über Landshut. On the Tower of the Martinskirche, 130 meters from the highest Backsteinturm in the world. Probably the best place, when you were discussing, said Krystian Kowalewski. Do this by waging war for the boundless World Champion.

Reconciliation strengthens bans

“Yes, I know how much of a fear,” he said. That is a great reformation: “We will check everything. You will have a better understanding. We will not have to worry about anything else. I will always make everything supersicher.

Of course, retaliation is more strictly forbidden. Make sure you have seen another Landshut film in the movie before the full Haus Premiere.