
2. Fußball-Bundesliga – Hertha-Trainer Fiél lässt Rückkehr nach Nürnberg kalt – Bayern

2. Fußball-Bundesliga – Hertha-Trainer Fiél lässt Rückkehr nach Nürnberg kalt – Bayern

Berlin (dpa) – The other Wirkungsstätte has been chopped off – the Blick full and ganz on the active Arbeitgeber-oriented. Trainer Cristian Fiél von Fußball-Zweitligist Hertha BSC resists any recognizable emotions at 1. FC Nürnberg am Samstag (1:00 PM/Sky). “I had a beautiful time in Nuremberg. “Jetzt lies mein Focus on my Mannschaft and der Idee, wie die grand Möglichkeit aussieht, dort zu gewinnen”, said the 44 years before the Rückkehr zum „Club”, „everything else since Geschichten für other Leute.“

From 2021, a Deutsch-Spanier will train the Franks in various functions. In Nuremberg it is a challenge to continue on the Platz and 40 points, but a real Nebengeräuschen was full of the Wechsel in the Summer Pause.

Team still in the discovery phase

If the war begins before the season begins, the new Mannschaft is the quality that one of the Mannschaften has, which can be viewed. It is so bad that it is possible to play.’ Before the game is between both teams, neither in the table field, nor in the find phase.

It’s a good idea to go outside and use another part of life, but it has become a time, a game that Nachfolgers Miroslav Klose implements in a completely new interplay of men and women: “Man hears that he can’t get on the field anymore, what the trainer demands.”

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The temperature is not as great as that of Berlin. For the most part, in the season phase of the season, it is no longer possible to click on the table, one of the spielerische Ansatz, which will choose its own Mannschaft by “a mistake”: “Wir investieren viel and geben zu sorglos Tore her.”

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