
Giannikis-Endspiel with fun Neuen? Die voraussichtliche 1860-Aufstellung

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  2. Sport
  3. 1860 Munich

Rettet is Argirios Giannikis (ml) on the track? Morris Schröter (mr) wants to make Arminia Bielefeld for his comeback.
Rettet is Argirios Giannikis (ml) on the track? Morris Schröter (mr) wants to make Arminia Bielefeld his comeback. © IMAGO/Ulrich Wagner

The TSV 1860 Munich gastiert am Samstag at Arminia Bielefeld. Nach der Niederlage against Dynamo Dresden with Giannikis seine Startelf would be erneut umbauen.

Munich – After four Niederlagen in the first phase of Ligaspielen, the Zeit von Argirios Giannikis shines at TSV 1860 Munich abzulaufen. After information about tz gets the Greek in Bielefeld (Saturday, 16:30) his final game. Setzt is the next plea for the lions, but Giannikis will be his post as head coach room. On the Alm-möchte of the 44-year-old it is impossible to read a las and watch a Ligaspiel that goes to another start.

If you are on the training end of the service and the Mitwoch, you can call Gianniks the first eleven that Arminia Bielefeld plays in the Vergleich zum Dresden-spel on a nice position change. In both training units are ​​Bähr, Reinthaler, der wiedergenesen Schröter, Neuzugang Kozuki and Hobsch in the A-Elf. For these nice moments the Dresden-Starter Schifferl, Kwadwo, Frey, Wolfram and Schubert are on the Platz-räumen.

1860-Aufstellung in Bielefeld: Schröter vor Startelf-Comeback

Morris Schröter passed the last three league games with adductor protection, after which he continued his training during the week. If Schröter is fit, he will no longer have his own path at the age of 29. In 1860 Schröter zählt zählt zu den absolute Leistungsträgern. With the Tower and the previous war in the seasonal production of the top scorer.

Next to back Morris Schröter and the appointed Julian Guttau dared to occupy the offensive positions in Bielefeld in front of Soichiro Kozuki and Patrick Hobsch. Kozuki felt opposed by Dynamo Dresden after a much-publicized debut, Hobsch said that he was in the last games as the element of the bench.

Dass Florian Bähr in die Anfangsformation der Löwen rücken dürfte, liegt vor allem am Gel möglicher Alternativen. The only other nominal link reference in 1860 is Leroy Kwadwo. Gegen Dresden-patzte Kwadwohl for the 0:1 as well as the 1:2. It is no longer understandable when Giannik sees his betrayal’s endgame.

Ebenfalls has never had the best presentation of Raphael Schifferl against Dynamo Dresden. Before Max Reinthaler starts, it takes a long time before the fehleranfällige Max Reinthaler starts.

The visual presentation of the TSV 1860 Munich at Arminia Bielefeld

Vollath – Reich, Reinthaler, Verlaat, Bähr – Jacobsen, Deniz, Schröter, Guttau, Kozuki – Hobsch