
Igor Levit had the Beruf

Igor Levit had the Beruf

Cologne (dpa) – Star pianist Igor Levit (37) has wandered in the sailing ship Karriere and Job. “I’m in phases in my life, in my eyes and in my eyes,” says Levit from the Deutschen Presse-Agentur. «The keyboard playing in itself was without the ground, that is not achieved by Kummer. It was a problem with the industry and the turmoil: the trip and the whole country.” Beim Klavierspielen empfinde is still dieselreude and dense enthusiasm if you are interested.

The Russian-born music player, who is the keyboard professor in Hannover, now owns four flutes and a piano: «I can play a small keyboard, regardless of the desire to spend it, so I can buy it. Game is with Schuhen, and with Klavieren. A hobby.”

Pianist seeks talent on TV

The Pianist is on duty (20:15) in the new Vox Music Show «The Piano» that can be seen. You can have a number of pianists and pianists play in a playful place. Levit and singer Mark Forster are heard in a back room and entsplits, where they accompany a closing concert in the Wuppertaler Stadthalle.