
The operation of the device can be more than obscure

The operation of the device can be more than obscure

The action of the hand in German is higher if possible. In the first half year 2024 flossing in the heute of the RTR veröffentlicht Medientransparenzdaten in Summe 196.5 Millionen Euro an Medien.

I am in Zeitraum 2023 for an amount of 77.5 million euros. The processing is part of the transparent media format. Mittlerweile müssen auch Ausgaben an nicht periodische Medien were reported. The “Bagatellgrenze” can be heated up.

Werbeausgaben der Regierung has risen grimly

Speziell the Werbeausgaben of the Federal Government are increasing significantly. 18.7 million. Euros in the first half year 2024 will cost 8.3 million here. Euro im ersten Halbjahr 2023 gegenüber. I had a friendly war with the Climate Protection and Energy Ministry with 4.9 million. Euro, paid by the Verteidigungsministerium (2.6 million euros), the Justizministerium (2.1 million euros) and the Innenministerium (1.8 million euros).

Auch bei der Stadt Wien (ohne Beteiligungen) says that there is a German Anstieg von 7,4 Mio. Euro to eleven million. Euro. Das Land Oberösterreich raised 3.1 million. Euro, the Land Niederösterreich at 1.3 Mio. Euro. The Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (ohne Unterorganisationen) raised a total of 2.4 million. Euro, the Wirtschaftskammer Wien of 1.8 million. Euro.

The Wiener Arbeiterkammer is worth approximately 2.1 million. Euro aus. The Australian courts include Linz AG (5.4 million euros), Wien Energie (4.4 million euros), Verbund AG (3.1 million euros) and the ORF (3.9 million euros). Euro).

Einnahmen auch für Social-Media-Konzerne

The ORF has never achieved anything, but it works because of the simple representation of the couples. There is still 13.3 million. Euro an der Spitze der Werbeempfänger. For Google Ireland Limited, 7.8 million. Euro Ausgewiesen. Zu Meta (Facebook, Instagram) flossing 6.5 Mio. Euro.

The new dates are german more money for TikTok aus. So TikTok Technology Limited GmbH comes to 757,000 euros, Spotify goes to 248,000 euros.

The large numbers will appear in the “Kronen Zeitung” in the Boulevardmedien. Krone Verlag and Krone Multimedia amount to 6.9 million. Euro. “Heute”, in Formulier der AHVV Verlags GmbH, means 3.3 Mio. Euro, die Mediengruppe Österreich GmbH (“Österreich”/oe24) 3.4 million euros.

The “Standard” cost 4.1 million euros out of the öffentlichen Stellen, the “Presse” and the “Kurier” 2.6 million euros. The “Kleine Zeitung” raised 2.9 million euros, by Red Bull Media House for 1.7 million euros.