
All posts for SPD-Comeback are from dpa-AFX

All posts for SPD-Comeback are from dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The SPD is working on the Roots of the Party Chief Lars Klingbeil of Kanzler Olaf Scholz is choosing a clear side for the chosen themes of the Koalitionspartner. “Everything has a Verantwortung und meer jetzt ackern”, says Klingbeil angesichts schwacher Umfragewerte für seine Partei zischen 14 und 16 Prozent dem Nachrichtenportal “Table.Briefings”. “The health, the chance of the Chancellor and the coalition partners are clear, the rent package is coming, the tariff agreement is coming and that is a clear power: we have a job, industrial place in this country is safe. This means that the SPD will have a clear break.” Es gebe die Erwartung, “noch erkennbarer zu sein.”

“The party is uneasy, who we are federal politicians. Yes, there is enormous pressure,” Klingbeil stated firmly. A solution has been found that has lifted the SPD out of the low rauskämpfe. “If you want the party chairman fights, the federal chancellor fights, the cabinet minister fights to die. If you use the moderator role, you can keep a fashionable, social democratic policy for the citizens and citizens in check.