
Robert Smith as Trauerbegleiter – der Freitag

Robert Smith as Trauerbegleiter – der Freitag

“Songs of a Lost World” – klingt nach Musik für Boomer? The Cure’s new album is the best in years

Robert Smith is the frontman of the British band ‘The Cure’

Photo: Mariano Regidor/Redferns

When a teenager immerses himself in the war, the friend goes to the war or the world without more sense, the war The Cure goes to Stelle. “Boys don’t cry”, sang Robert Smith and exclaimed about his own tragedy and the world, which was an enormous amount of tragedy in the 1970s. The Cure showed Camus’ Der Fremde (mit Killing an Arab), war is not so existentialist and lost with Joy Division, the singer Ian Curtis died in 1980.

With a shifting lipstick, long hair and rich Kajal, the August-inspired Robert Smith is in the look of the generations of Gothic Kids. One of these depressive birds of paradise, which British pop journalists have heard of as “Fat Bob”; Paul Weller described Smith 2022 as “fette Fotze with Lipstick”. Was there no first right on the page of Cure-Sängers? Dazu who fell high-melodic Hits, which The Cure produced unermüdlich since 1979, Songs who The Love cats Oder Friday I’m in love. I’ll stop now all my hair – 4:13 Dreamthe last Studio album, published before 16 years.

Die single Only war vor einigen Wochen dann ein erstes Lebenszeichen – auch wenn der Song vom Sterben acts: “This is the end of every song we sing / The fire burned down to ashes and the stars become dull with tears,” sang Smith, since then Veröffentlichung von 4:13 Dream Mutter, Vater und Bruder beerdigt hat. Songs of a lost world It is certainly a more appropriate title for an album, which is often a difficult question about the cure classics Pornography reminds. “There is always a moment, in my life I am truly happy, we are lost, we are alone, we are at our end,” said Robert Smith. Onlythe album is a cinematically original album.

Ganz taufrisch is the eight long time, while Konzerten zum Teil live spielten Stücke nicht. End song entstand 2019, als Robert Smith seinen 60. Geburtstag feierte und de beste Mondlandung sich zum 50. Mal jährte. Yes, the time has come, man thinks, where the drum and the unhanging Synthie chord see through the audience; First after another few minutes there are plaintive melancholic songs. It is one of the last things that brings the world into a dystopian life from the harsh world world. “When it comes to a war, it cannot be that way, if the war continues,” Smith explains. „Aber I am white, that is the world without being more diesel, and if I am white, that is even better than me.”

It is a good employer of the world, who makes these valuable pieces Songs of a lost world in other words, immer nach dem Motto: “It’s all gone!” Man can discredit the music for Boomer – but does The Cure even have a youthful euphoria and a wonderful freshness? In War song If Smith finds one of the new ways to reach the Kriegen quickly, there will no longer be much of a chance. Ob those people is such a shame and not in Frieden with other things you can do. So the Fin de Siècle war was long gone in Pop. And that is the good goal for everyone, leading the crisis: On my best album the band is presented as the best Trauerbegleiter.

Songs of a lost world The cure Polydor/Universal