
Arnschwang, WiWa and Raindorf play in the Bezirksliga

Arnschwang, WiWa and Raindorf play in the Bezirksliga

In the previous phase, the bad whitewash is one of the most important spelling errors. All three Bayerwald clubs in the Bezirksliga Nord were affected. After the Ausfällen played the Arnschwang and the SpVgg Willmering-Waffenbrunn. Der FC Raindorf works in Vohenstrauß.

Here is the game in the description:

SV Etzenricht – DJK Arnschwang (Sat., 2 p.m.): After the redundancy conditions have been played, the DJK-Arnschwang has become the best Saturday. The Jungs has been trainer Christian Ranzinger since 14 o’clock at SV Etzenricht at Gast. The match pits Zweiter against Vierter.
Provided Etzenricht it is one of the stronger Gegners. “Meiner meinung nach een der besten Mannschaften, die sicherlich bis zum Schluss um den Landesliga-Aufstieg mireden”, said Arnschwang’s Coach Ranzinger. Der SV, Vorjahres-Dritter in the Bezirksliga Nord, has the Zweitentafellenplatz and with 20 Zählern now a point as Spitzenreiter Raindorf. Arnschwang is on the fourth ringtone with 16 times.

The party of the happy Saturday became for the DJK a knifflige Auswärtsaufgabe. “It would be important, that is not focused on football matches and the Räume eng machen, so aggressive on the Derby against Raindorf and our mentality on the Platz”, says the Trainer. Then you could say that the chances are high that the tafelzweiten beets, you will notice that it is a matter of Etzenricht-mitzunehmen. Another brand that resembles Martin Pasieka-legen is one of the many years that this happens, that is a very good Stürmer.

If you are aware of the situation in which the situation leads, there is no problem. In this way, both of the offensive forces Lukas Riedl and Andreas Kussinger die long-fresh. Lars Knebel has never been as injured as the old Yannick Attenberger in Urlaub. Matthias Artmann is privately prevented. “For us, the best preliminary rounds are once again not advisable. If we have made the choice, it is a favorite to set”, says Ranzinger.


SV Hahnbach – SpVgg Willmering-Waffenbrunn (So., 3 p.m.): Again a fast 100 kilometer long Fahrt must the SpVgg Willmering-Waffenbrunn on Sunday in Auswärtsspiel at SV Hahnbach, antreten. At the table fives hang the Trauben for the Süsser-Truppe naturally high. With 16 points on the habit, the Hahnbacher is in one of the ways of a man shaft, which is a woolen mastery. The Truppe as trainer Ilker Caliskan gehört be with the Dinos in the Bezirksliga Nord, since 2009 he played quickly uninterrupted in that League. For a few years you look at the Mannschaft from the northern Landkreis Amberg as Meister on the Aufstieg in the Landesliga. With the 11th time that the towers are the best defensive of the League. Best Torschützen from SV Hahnbach by Tobias Hüttner (5 Tore) such as Ludwig Semmler and Tim Weissenberger with jeweled three Treffern.

The WiWa ihrerseits wurde des witterungsbedingten Spielausfalls gegen Raindorf vom letzten Wochenende on the 11. Place in the Table after hinten geicht. Nachgeholt will play this match against Raindorf from 6:30 PM. Das Heimrecht would be obtained. The Spielort is jetzt Raindorf, from the FC on the Main Square, with a Flutlichtanlage paint.

WiWa-Coach Jakub Süsser stehen am Sonntag wieder more Alternatives zur Verfügung. So enjoy the Grafenwöhr-Spiel with Kapitän Johannes Ederer and Stefan Hammer for more fun. This is the comeback of the letztjährige Leistungsträger Julian Göttlinger and Daniel Weindler who are not bad. By Spielertrainer Jakub Süsser, who sees the Muskelphaserriss, he can choose with the clearance cann which one will be separated first. Dafür steht mit Andy Weindl (Urlaub) in de Sonntag is one of the most successful Spieler-leaders without any versügung. This is neither a fragmentary hint of the einsatz of Youngster Julian Hartl, which takes first place.

If someone finds his Sunday more clear after the Hahnbach trip, so will the person tell what he can buy.


FC Raindorf – SpVgg Vohenstrauß (Sun, 3:30 PM): FC Raindorf is looking forward to the last two games at the Sonntag (3:30 PM) with the home match against the SpVgg Vohenstrauß wieder in Ligageschehen in. The team of the Czech Trainers Martin Schuster, one of the other players of the East German Kult-Club Lok Leipzig, plays in the Bayernliga for the SpVgg Weiden and for the FC Zandt which plays a long match, currently at 10 Punkten Tablesplatz 13, on the first Relegationsrang. The reach of the SV Grafenwöhr by the Ausgleichstreffer in the Nachspielzeit is now a 3:3, with Coach Schuster standing in the Nachbetrachting with a “bitter Niederlage” einordnete. Dazu could appropriately man in the letzten fun Partien emptylich zwei Punkte ergattern and with 28 Toren fing Vohenstrauß ligaweit who meisten Gegentreffer. A note is being worked on with a player who invests Christoph Rewitzer in his defense team. Der letzte Dreier wurde Mitte August with a 3:2-Erfolg at Inter Bergsteig Amberg eingefahren.

The guest cadre has an uncut description of one of the best playing qualities, which the youngster of the SpVgg gewechselte Mittelfeldstratege Michael Busch confirms. During the first season in Raindorf with the SpVgg, the time is spent with the performances at FCR and the Spielausrichtung vertrusted sein.
On the Raindorfer Seite, the game’s good development will be discussed and explained, as the German Heimniederlage against Arnschwang mittlerweile is confirmed. These things from Kleber-Elf are just like that, it is worth it to go to work on the shop floor – the pride of the holprigen Saison-verlaufs – now with a geschlossenen Mannschaftsleistung beizukommen. In whom uletzt angeschlagenen Leistungsträger Politanow, Naus und Bider wieder einsetzbar sind, sich kurzfristig say. Soul for the von Spielmacher Nuszpan Raindorfer bleibt es at the End of the Days, gegenstrauß the Tablesführung zu veridigen and for all not with leather hands dazustehen. The “Zweite” riffs in Vorspiel (1.30 pm) on the punktlose Schlusslicht SG Neubäu-Mitterdorf II.