
Verteidigungs-Knotenpunkt is located in the region

Verteidigungs-Knotenpunkt is located in the region

The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs has further expanded the Digital Hub Initiative (de:hub). Davon is making a profit in the region: Whoever opens the Ministry in this week would have a Hub zum Thema Sicherheit und Verteidigung eingerichtet, der seinen Schwerpunkt in Bayern hat. We are responsible for the Federal Government of the Münchner Based GmbH, the Hub in Namur, the Digital Gründerzentrum brigkAir mit Sitz in Manching und Ingolstadt, the Technical University of Deggendorf, the Wehrwissenschaftliche Institut für Werk- und Beriebsstoffe der Bundeswehr in Erding and three more re Hochschuleinrichtungen beziehungsweise Unternehmen in Munich.

If there are more Hubs in the vicinity of the installation, this is only 25 years ago. In those so-called Hubs (man who founded Hub with ‘Knotenpunkt’) are networked companies, institutions and for all Start-ups, one of their own business and other business promoted by the Federal Government – are international presentations about their können. Eingerichtet werden these Hubs nach Branchen; so give a part of biotechnology, a part of logistics, a part of intelligent intelligence.

The Based-Hub with the Beteiligung of the brigkAir must have a longer breathing space, bundesweites-verfahren over time, with Franz Glatz, the management of the brigkAir Air, erlauterte. Man will be concerned with the development of dual-use technologies, also with technologies, which as much as I want
military context Application found. The brikkAir hat is traditionally a Schwerpunkt at Neuerungen and Neuentwicklungen, an autonomous flight with all the art of drones or flight taxis.

With the Security and Verteidigungs-Hub next to Bayern now the fourteenth Knotenpunkt dieser Art – find the “Digital Health-Hub” (Nürnberg/Erlangen), the “Mobility-Hub” and the “InsurTech-Hub” (next to Munich).