
Traumstart der Foxes – Südtirol News

Traumstart der Foxes – Südtirol News

From: ka

Bozen – A furious start for the HCB South Tyrol Alperia, at the Saisonauftakt of the ICE Hockey League at Steinbach Black Wings Linz, the chance is big: 5:0 at the end of the game in Wit-Rot, thanks to a Doppelpacks of McClure die Toren of Christoffer, Helewka and DiGiacinto. I met Sam Harvey during the 23rd Parade and Shutout.

Trainer Glen Hanlon must fully supervise long-term miglioranzi and Halmo (Letzterer verbüßt ​​​​außerdem the first of three of the letzten Saison beliebenen Spielsperren). Salinitri is about his debut.

© Vanna Antonello

There is war with number 71, the first of the Führungstreffer nahekam, when there is an Einsatz in the Trikot of the Weiß-Roten Tirronen with a Reflexzwingt. The foxes must get into another situation in no time, but the Penalty Killing war is hereafter. When Braden Christoffer is in the right place in minute 11:47, his first Tor in Foxes-Trikot: the Canadian center is bullied in the attack and then leans the shot of Valentine on the blue line in Netz. Shortly thereafter, the 2,100 spectators in the Sparkasse Arena experienced a shock moment, when Finoro saved a puck lying on the line after a shot from Kragl. At Spielminute 16:20 follows the ‘Sliding-Door’ scene of the games: Harvey shines with a grim parade against Lebler, and in the ass of McClure Söllinger stehen, to the gate and shoot the 2:0.

I know that the Bozen in a jiffy, as Mantenuto Frigo, but the Schuss went etwas zu hoch. Harvey parried a game of Scheid, while the game got better and better. Frigo has another chance at 3:0, where jedoch von Tirronen is stopped. The white turn of the Torhüter is a class that forms a double chance for the button. In minute 37:40 the first line said in his hour: Bradley played a pass to Gazley, of the Puck and a completely different story, while now the Puck did not play anymore. Bigger applause in the Sparkasse Arena, which starts at 4:0 o’clock, the DiGiacinto is erzielte, while Tirronen do not wage an innocent war.

After a scary moment at the beginning of the written Drittels, while Harvey fought with a Glanzparade against Lebler, Bozen had fun with Tor, who in Powerplay: McClure completed his Doppelpack, indem a Distanzschuss von Bourque ins Kreuzeck possible. Damit endet Tirronens Spiel und his Power Platz für Höneckl. The game has started, but Bozen cannot be stopped even after the next goal, between Helewka and Brunner vom Austrian Schlussmann. Das Spiel ends 5:0.

Facebook/HC Bozen – Bolzano Foxes

On Sunday at 18:00 you will meet the Foxes in the South Tyrolean Derby in the HC Pustertal. Tickets are available tomorrow from 15:00 to 18:30 and will be sold online. Tomorrow, at 16:00, there will be a training session of the HCB, in the season opening match of the SEAB, statt: Against 17:30 with the team on the parking lot of the stadium, with among other things Food Trucks, Music and Entertainment for Children not to be missed.

HCB Südtirol Alperia – Steinbach Black Wings Linz 5 – 0 (2-0; 2-0; 1-0)

Time: 11:47 Braden Christoffer (1-0); 16:20 Brad McClure (2-0); 37:30 Adam Helewka (3-0); 39:30 Cristiano DiGiacinto (4-0); 43:46 Brad McClure PP1 (5-0)

Torso height: 28-23
Minutes of play: 8-6

Schiedsrichter: Ofner, Rezek / Puff, Zgonc
Spectator: 2,125