
Wed regional Weine aus der Schweiz die Hauptrolle spielen

Wed regional Weine aus der Schweiz die Hauptrolle spielen

The Schweizer Weinvielfalt is ultimately rücklich. Rebbau is active in all 26 cantons. Practical information on regional Tropfen setzt das Culinarium Alpinum in Stans. Es ist Hotel, Restaurant und Tagungsort-zugleich – en een Ausflug-wert, findet editor Peter Keller.

Would you like to read a Blauburg under the Nidwaldner Hauptort Stans? Or a Piwi wine from Lucerne Meggen? Wohl eher nicht. Would you like to know your Weinbau Ottiger? It is one of the best Weingüter der Innerschweiz, located in Kastanienbaum nahe Luzern and is said to be the kurzem of the two Jungwinzer Kevin Studer and Dennis Koch guided. You have made the best choice for the bet Toni Ottiger We are inspired and inspired by innovative ideas for new high air flows.

A lonely feat is given, where this wine and a few minutes longer enjoy and enjoy. Die Rede ist vom Culinarium Alpinum in Stans, that is no longer in the regional kitchen, but then on an extended Lebensmittel fokussiert.

Exotic monastery

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Hotel and Restaurant in Stans (Image: Timo Schwach, zvg)

The hotel and restaurant are located in a beautiful Kapuzinerkloster. The involvement in the vision is the beginning of journalism Dominik Flammerthe culinary heritage of the Alps is here and has no intention of leaving Wissen.

If it is good that the Klostergarten is used as perfect gelände and. There is an Eldorado for fruit trees and beers. If there are 250 different sorts, it may be that we are being attached and cared for. From there come all kinds of herbs. If the «Essbare Landschaft» is spared, there will be unnecessarily high costs, while the garden expands and radiates a lot of money.

Cozy terrace

Enjoy your free time in a quiet and complete restaurant order, be sure to enjoy the water and enjoy the pleasant terrace. Weinmässig can be a man who reconciles the fruity-elegant Stanser Blauburgunder 2022 vom Weinbau Bergli (75 Francs). From this specialty you will be filled with 700 to 800 bottles after empty.

One Alternative is the Maréchal/Divico 2022 des Bioweinguts Sitenrain aus Meggen. The cuvée is the best from both sides of the pile, so that they can be picked up. Der Familienbetrieb, geführt von Nora BreitschmidIt is a good idea to sort in a simple way, which is wenger spritzt as conventional variation.

Wer es perlend mag, versucht the Rosé-Schaumwein from Souvignier Gris and Merlot des Guts Weingärtli in Ennetbürgen NW. Clear: You can add 60 positions to the wine list associated with Crus from South Tyrol and Austria. These become wonderfully soft in the Alpenraum.

Frostharte plants

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Tavolata (Image: Timo Schwach, zvg)

Our fine wines are perfect for Essen. Diesbezüglich lässt the Culinarium Alpinum, the Mitglied bei den Swiss Historic Hotels ist, no Wünsche offen. Das Konzept is clearly focused: In the center of the region, it ensures the quality of life of the small producers of the community.

Olive oil or lemongrass are one of the few, explained guest Peter Dürrer the philosophy. Statt letzteren in Stans and on Yuzu a frozen Pflanze is formed, which works best.

After the cake ask

The highlight of the menu is the angebotene Tavolata. Man wählt je nach Hunger drei, vier Vorspeisen, Hauptgänge and Desserts as well. And that’s it Tisch. Beispiele gefällig? A fine roast beef with Liebstöckel-Mayonnaise, a Zucchetti-Mosaic with Geissfrischkäse and Minzpesto, roasted Felchen from the Vierwaldstättersee with Zitronen-Verveine-Sauce and Krautstiel or a Hacktätschli vom Luzerner Bio-Schaf with Bohnen crème and Kräutersalsa. Bought everything carefully and smoothly.

Tip for dessert: After the cake you prepare, you will enjoy the cooking-lehrling. We would still like to have a good night’s sleep, but we will never be able to stay overnight in the hotel room.