
Til Schweigers Tochter: Darum zog sich Lilli vier Jahre zurück

Til Schweigers Tochter: Darum zog sich Lilli vier Jahre zurück

We’re retired, we’re retired again. Goodbye Lilli Schweiger (26). The protagonist of playwright Til Schweiger (60) has been in the open air for a long time and so the 26-year-old has become a veranstaltung in Berlin. You can best go to Schwester Luna Schweiger (27). Zuletzt nahm sie 2020 a film premiere in the future. Has there been war in recent years?

Luna and Lilli Schweiger started with “Schwestern-Date”

On Instagram, Luna Schweiger shares a photo of her and her Schwester on her “Schwestern-Date” while working on the farm. While Luna wears a dark red Wickeljacke and short shorts, Lilli opts for bright jeans and a black blouse.

Lilli wandte sich von der Schauspielerei ab and folgte einen deutlich bodenständdigeren Beruf – Tischlerin! “I am fully satisfied with my life”, so Lilli im Gespräch mit “””I have abgeschlossen inheritance and hey my Family and Friends gerne zur Hand. This experience that has taken my self-confident attitude, and which is what I am looking for, was man created with his own hands.”

If you’re on Instagram, there are long updates. “I have lived my life for a long time. If I enjoy my life, I will continue to enjoy it,” it is clear that 26 years ago.

Goodbye Germany: Lilli Schweiger is sucked after London

They lived together with Lilli and Luna Schweiger. Luna: “Anfang des Jahres had a sister in Hamburg, aber Lilli had me thenn Verlassen and ist nach England sucked, was my nature the Herz gebrochen hat.” A lot of attention has been paid to architecture in the British Hauptstadt.

Deaf for Luna, but Hamburg and London are now a Katzensprong. “I have changed my life, I will be such in England,” said Luna. Part of the fact that both Schweiger-Frauen took a photo in social media.