
Who’s there, and where IT experts earn more than Kellner

Who’s there, and where IT experts earn more than Kellner

In der Schweiz meien Menschen das Gespräch über den Lohn, obwohler tief in unser Selbstbild eingreift. If it is good that the core element is no longer in the Wirtschaft of inheritance.

Illustration Francesco Ciccolella für NZZaS

Über Geld spricht man nicht – schon gar nicht über den Lohn. Viele Leute since eher bereit, intime Details of Liebeslebens offenzulegen as de Lohnausweis. If the gilding is located in Switzerland, it is true that the barrel is raised, about the height of its swing. The culture of the earth has a financial structure with a top hat here and there. Tatsache bleibt: Auf der Liste tabuisierter Themen kommt nach Tod, Gewalt und Krankheit kaal een der Lohn.

Man is what man deserves

Denn das Gekommen is more like a number on the monthly account. There is a source of self-employment. A research group of Wiebke Bleidorn from the University of Zurich has studied for a year in a representative study, an association of the income is an independent entrepreneur as he sees. Denn das Einkommen is also gold as a marker for social status. It is an incentive for men, women, young people, old, academics and craftsmen. Man is a substance that he earns, he deserves it.

It works when it is good. A high self-esteem is also no longer Folge, a manchmal also Ursache a growing income. If an ego hat puts an end to the wage demand, then the self-drive will do it. It started schon damit, that man himself more zutraut. Wer himself is convinced that the career will enjoy even more of Lohn. Our expectations are probably that the chance is great that – often a goal – is achieved, because the job is never good.

But who comes to Löhne sister? “If one of the Unternehmens is separated, there is a Wertschöpfung in the seiner Arbeitszeit bei der Herstellung von Gütern and Dienstleistungen erbringen kann,” says Michael Siegenthaler. There is an appeal to the Konjunkturforschungsstelle of ETH Zurich (KOF) and work is being done: «Firmen beschäftigen Angestellte and nicht aus Freude, sondern ain Product oder eine Dienstleistung zu chewen. “Und the productivity, the work done by the purchaser is important, the mass effects of the Lohn.”

Software and daily menu

The costs of production as a border product are determined. Common is jener Beitrag, an employee for the purpose of business follow-up is committed. It is a large company that deals with a large sector: an information provider, who offers a new software on the market, who uses a higher temperature than a waiter, or a guest in a day menu service. In other words, the Swiss median wage in the IT area is 9400 francs more than twice as high as in guest trade (4600 francs).

If the person takes the trouble, this can be the best. A tag long in a restaurant in the restaurant, which is ermüdender sein as programming an ergonomic Bürostuhl. Weshalb of the IT sector has more insight into the human capital theory of the theory. If the firm of the employer in the center and postular was: more investment in Ausbildung and qualification for higher labor production, was so letztlich in higher Löhnen-niederschlägt.

If one of the options has a good image, there is no longer a good Lohn. If there is a technology that has a fetigkeit experience, then there is a good chance that NASA has found an answer on the map. A single Fachkraft cannot be a shining example in the Lohngespraäch at NASA with the wegzug to another Firma. “The payment also depends on the fact that the own fetigkeits of many companies are being questioned,” said Siegenthaler. Whatever the case with mobility, also the readiness, for a job with a job on the labor market.

Performance depends on weight

There is a presumption that there is a probability, which gives a more positive and plausible impression. Einleuchtend ist also, that someone can express gratitude More information Worth buying can and therefore better deserves. The reality is a great complexity as this “neoclassical” model, which is becoming increasingly larger, that the labor market will increase the weight of the weight and will decrease by the Lohnhöhe hergestellt. In the real world, the information can often be about market research and such «correct» information.

It started with reporting on a labor force. “Science tends to say that performance events are extremely flawed and dangerous,” says Antoinette Weibel, professor of personal management at the University of St. Gallen. If you say, “If you have a flying tire, the product page can be a mess that cannot be quantified.” If your performance is no longer the contribution to profit, there is no longer any question of imagination or helplessness, creativity or ability, unthinkable questions to ask.

“If you know that the Meritocracy is now an Ideal, an unhealthy Lohn system from the Ideal is one of the Leistungsgerechten Entlöhnung entfernt Sind”, Weibel follows. It is recommended for Spitzenlöhne von Konzernchefs. This man can talk with reluctance on the market power or with the argument, that will not be as good as the best talent. “Around 70 percent of the CEO was internally on the chef. The English market is also not impressed here by a small one, like Weibel.

More profit than more wages

Often making profit on the normal income of Löhnen, while the market lies. The explanation is nice for the Efficiency Lohn theory. If you consider that for a part of the world it is a shame to see more as Lohn, at the Angebot and its adverse consequences. It is a matter of Lohn that motivates the motivation of the professional and the higher product. Here the Causalität will also be used: So no longer determines the performance of the worker his Lohn, without Lohn determines the productivity of the worker.

As a Beispiel for this Beobachtung is often referred to by Henry Ford. The American car repairer was overcome in 1914 by the Tageslohn victory at 5 dollars, but was a delay of 2 to 3 dollars. The following pages: The expected results are higher, we will look at another version and another stelle deserves more value. The output rose, the disease sank, the profits slumped. Or one of Henry Ford says: “To pay good money, is not a matter of goodness, it is the best business.”

The episode said: The Lohn as flexible of offer and question to see, engraves zu kurz. Lohne is a real star. In a reaction that is an unternehmen, the Lohn is senken. The Furcht is coarse, if it is good that a new job is found, the company is frustrated and the man is on the slits of the work. The problem with a negative selection is that you can register as a Lohnkürzung-gesetzt is set. Also for work is the Lohn bisweilen ein Taboo.