
Lexer and Weidinger discuss the Future! – 5 minutes

Lexer and Weidinger discuss the Future! – 5 minutes

On Montag, on September 23, Georg Lexer and Peter Weidinger will meet for a locker conversation meeting in Parkcafé Villach. Here, themes such as health, the new age, generational responsibility and social walking are at the centre. We can give you the best tips for the common and business fragments that have emerged in a favourable location, so that the interest is not greater than the sollten. The entrance to this installation is free. You will find it at 10 o’clock in the Moritschstraße 2 statt. You can register by calling 0664 244 4640.

Image 5 min. after a commercial photo by Peter WeidingerImage 5 min. after a commercial photo by Peter Weidinger

©Peter Weidinger

On September 23, Georg Lexer and Peter Weidinger discuss health, prosperity and healthy walking.

Who is Georg Lexer?

Georg Lexerborn in 1952 in Klagenfurt, a family lineage, which gave the renowned Surgeon über Jahrzehnte as Primarius in various Krankenanstalten a name. Sein besonderes Anliegen gilded der preventive Medizin. Today Lexer lives with his wife Andrea in the Lesachtal, who has a biobauernhof business, which has a special Karntner glasses shaft. Here, in nature, your family Wurzeln is back. There is a sponsor for Slow Food and a great commitment to a great, sustainable consumption.

Where is National Council Peter Weidinger?

A signal page with the Villacher Nationalrat Peter Weidinger zu sehen signal. Der Jurist war der frühere Stadtrat von Villach. There is a great experience with the sale of the Alpe Adria Business Club. The National Council has decided that we will all choose economic political themes that form the Koralmbahn and the Standortentwicklung in Carinthia. Zudem brings his expertise as a research council in the glass fiber-carton community and works together with a Vorzugsstimmenwahlkampf on the Vertauen der Wähler. Did you see Peter in the Parlament the most? Then re-enter “Weidinger”.

Would you like to write “Weidinger” again?

Would you like to equip Peter immediately? Peter soll dich im Parlament vertreten? With Peter Weidinger, you will experience a healthy lifestyle, and you must have an experience with the ÖVP in the Zeile “Vorzugsstimme – Landeswahlkreis” einfach „WEIDINGER“ hineinschreiben. Nur so unterstützt du Peter direkt!

“Ohne Vorzugsstimmen endet meine Möglichkeit, Kärntens Anliegen in Wien Gehör zu offer. It is in the hands of the population, where this initiative can mean even more,” says Peter Weidinger. „If you want that Wahl, it is an all: Now wenn ich a clear explanation of euch, the Citizens, erhalte, I can as a strong impulse for Carnten eure Anliegen in Wien eerolgreich vertreten “.

©Peter Weidinger | Peter Weidinger braucht deine Vorzugsstimme!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Weidinger setzt sich for überparteiliche Zusammenarbeit, Wirtschaftsförderung, Securitypolitik and Infrastrukturprojekte, with the Koralmbahn, ein. Much greater work is being done on civil politics and the fight against the quality of life in Carinthia.

Peter Weidinger focused on the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) and saw his überparteilicher Brückenbauer.

Peter Weidinger has a Vorzugsstimme zu ben, must du auf dem Stimmzettel bei de ÖVP in der Zeile “Vorzugsstimme – Landeswahlkreis” einfach WEIDINGER hineinschreiben. Nur so unterstützt du Peter direkt!

“If I don’t have any concerns about the future, and my time in Parliament – ​​and there is a strong concern for Carinthia in Wien,” says Peter.